The jock and the nerd

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(Stiles is new to the school, he's what you would call a jock, he's captain of the lacrosse team, star track and field athlete and captain of the baseball team. Derek has lived in beacon hills all his life. He was what people consider a nerd. He wears glasses and beanies, he enjoys comics and superhero movies and he wears fan boy shirts to school with a cardigan over top)

Derek walked in the halls of BHHS like he did every Monday to Friday.

Derek's high school experience is much different than his sisters. His older sister Laura, was the bad girl. She wore leather jackets, rode a motorcycle and got multiple piercing. Every guy wanted to date her and some girls too. She was invited to every party and was probably one of the most popular girls in high school.

Cora, his younger sister, was in her first year of high school. During her first semester she became the resident good girl. She had great grades, good attendance, a cheerleader and is dating the football teams starting QB. She was living the stereotypical high school movie plot.

Derek on the other hand wasn't popular at all. He was the school nerd, glasses, beanie, band tees, cardigans and a serious fan boy. He only had three friends.

Isaac Lahey, who was abused by his father and lives with serious PTSD. Once Derek heard about his dad he got him out of that house immediately. Isaac now lives with the hale, he has his own room but he got night terrors so often they moved his bed into Derek's room.

Erica Reyes, she gets seizures a lot. Erica is fierce in her own way, but is much too afraid to show it. There are videos of her seizures online and that makes he feel small and less beautiful. Derek thinks the bite will cure her, he hasn't told her about wolves yet though and he hasn't asked his mom to bite her.

Finally, there's boyd. He comes from a bad home. His father is an alcoholic and left his mother, his sister and him. Boyd and his mother both work to pay rent. Derek tried to offer to help, but they politely declined.

Derek didn't mind not have that many friends, he likes the few he has.

Derek's perspective on school changed once stiles Stilinski arrived. He was everything Derek every wanted and more. His skin was pale and creamy with moles that covered it like constellations. He was lean and built, thanks to all his sports. His laughed was gorgeous and could stop crowds, his smile was beautiful and made even the straightest if guys give him a second look.

Not only was he gorgeous, but he was also super athletic. He was the captain for the lacrosse team, captain for the baseball team and a star track athlete. Every coach loved him. Stiles was also hilarious. Everyone at the 'popular' table laughed so hard at everything he said.

Ever since stiles came at the start of this year Derek wanted nothing more than to sit at that table and talk with him. It's like him and his wolf finally agreed on someone.

It was now halfway through second semester and Derek was never getting to sit at that table. He was much to scared to go up to stiles and ever talk to him, in their English class.

Derek was also terrified of rejection. Derek was a werewolf and got muscles when he hit puberty. He hated them though, he wore chunky cardigans to cover them. His muscles were chunky and awkward.


Stiles found the social dynamics of BHHS funny. He sat with a lot of other jocks, Scott, Danny, ethan and aiden were who he was closes with. Jackson, Allison and Lydia sat at the table, but they were isolated. They were honestly mean, they always tried to put people down and stiles didn't like it.

Something stiles did like is Derek Hale. He was gorgeous. He wore beanies and glasses, with big chunky cardigan. He was the definition of a wet dream.

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