Running from home towards home

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Tried writing a long one shot. Tell me what you think!

(Stiles runs, from his twin brother and father, into Derek's arms)

-Two months ago-

"Oh god, Heather" stiles walked into his house to hear his twin, Logan, fucking his girlfriend.

"Logan, logan, logan" heather repeated his name like a mantra.

Stiles wanted to leave, he should leave, but his father would be home soon and he couldn't be seen leaving after curfew. Stiles life was a fucking mess. Logan was the angel child who pinned all the blame on stiles, he had been arrested and then let go, because it wasn't him who committed the crime, it was Logan.

Stiles got to his room and put on some head phones, cranking the music up. "Fuck my life" stiles cursed. He had ten minutes before his dad would come home and twenty before he started drinking. This gave stiles thirty minutes to pack everything and leave.

He quickly tossed everything into his lacrosse bag and suitcases. He took the essentials, clothes, phone, laptop, money, a photo of his mom, stuff like that. He chucked the bags out the window.

Stiles quickly scribbled a note and left it on the desk.

"I am so going to die" stiles muttered as he jumped out the window. "Shit that hurt" stiles groaned as he landed. He had another five minutes before his dad would check his room. Five minutes to get as far away as possible.

Stiles loaded everything into the jeep and drove off. A shocking amount of his more valuable stuff was in his jeep, to keep Logan away. Stiles had managed to only leave his bed, with all the sheets, and his desk, with mostly everything on it. Other than that he cleaned out the place pretty well, granted his dad didn't buy him much stuff.

The first stop was the bank, he picked one out of town so no one would recognize him as the sheriff's son. He took everything out of his bank account, he would start another one where he moved. "Fresh start baby" he mumbled as he turned on the radio.


-present time-

"Oh shit, I am so sorry" stiles being the klutz he is just ran into someone.

"It's just the day I've been having" a gruff voice said. Stiles looked at the man for the first time. He was fucking attractive.

"I got your coffee all over your leather jacket. It was probably super expensive. I'll pay, I mean I don't actually have that much money right now. I will though, in the future. If you want to keep in touch or something...and now I'm talking your ear off. I'm so sorry I'll go" stiles quickly shut up and blushed.

"Wait don't, I like the talking. Maybe we can get coffee, I need another" the man laughed, god what a gorgeous laugh.

"I'm stiles, stiles Stilinski" stiles told him.

"Derek hale" Derek replied.

"The coffee shop is a block that way" Derek said, pointing to his left.

"Lead the way" stiles walked in stride with Derek.


The day Derek was having was absolute shit. First there was trouble at work and then with the pack. All he wanted was to go home and drink his coffee. Of course to make Derek's day worse someone bumped his coffee all over him.

Wait, this didn't make Derek's day worse, it made it better. The man, stiles, was beautiful. He made Derek's wolf howl. Stiles had a beautiful constellation of moles that Derek wanted to trace with his tongue and pale skin that would look so good bruised up.

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