Little Red

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**i rearranged the order of some of my one shots. I just put the ones in most proud of first and my favourite ones. Those are what I wanted to be people's first impression of my book and that's basically the only reason why. I still like my other one shots those are just my favs. 

(Set after the episode when Ennis and Derek 'die', season three episode five. Years after the pack kicks stiles out they insist the help of legendary spark, little red. Stiles Stilinski has a secret, he is little red. An orthus is a Greek creature. In this one shot he's a three head dog with fire breath)

"Derek" stiles jumped off the couch as he heard the door open. Derek forced him to stay on the couch, due to his broken ankle. Stiles insisted he could just use his magic, but he didn't know many spells yet. Derek kissed him, said he loved him and told him he would be home soon.

"He's not here" Scott snapped. The pack and stiles have been distant, to say the least, after he and Derek announced their relationship. It was what stiles feared would happen, but it was worth it.

"Where is he?" Stiles felt his heart pound. Derek would come home right away after a fight, he always did.

"He's dead" Erica said plainly. There was no emotions in her voice.

"No, no, no, no" stiles collapsed to the floor. He sobbed and sobbed. Stiles couldn't breath, he was having a panic attack. Derek usually helped him with his attacks, except Derek is gone. He's dead.

"We want you packed and moved out by tomorrow night. We don't need you in the pack, now that Derek is gone no one wants you here" Allison sneered.

Stiles head pounded. He couldn't see, he couldn't breath. He needed Derek, he couldn't be gone. He was the last one he had left, his mother died, his father died, his relationship with the pack died and now Derek. His fiancé was dead, they would never get married, they would never have kids, or grandkids.

"Let's leave the spaz" Scott said and they all followed him out.


"You can't take that" Erica snapped as she saw Derek's leather jacket draped over stiles shoulders, it was oversized and fit funny but stiles loved the way it smelt.

"Everything he owns should go to me. In his fiancé, I'm his mate. You guys are kicking me out of my own house, you could at least not bother me when I take what's left of the love of my life" stiles screamed, fat tears rolled down his cheek.

"Let him take the ugly thing" Lydia was clearly trying to help stiles out, their relationship was the least strained.

Stiles mouthed a thank you. His hands were full and no one was helping him with the door, so he used a bit of magic.

"Since when have you had magic?" Scott asked.

"My whole life. I tried to tell you, but all you did was change the subject" stiles huffed as he walked out. "See you in hell."

Stiles got in his Jeep, he had no where to go. He had to sell his old family house after his dad died and move in with Derek.

First he moved all of his money to a new account, so no one could track him. He couldn't get himself to transfer some of Derek's money, he was the only one alive to know the passwords. It would just sit there. The hale fortune would be wasted. Stiles felt wrong taking it. Maybe in a few years he'll donate it to a charity or something.


"Stiles" Derek's hand hit the hale house door before he collapsed. A bloody hand print decorated the door.

"What the hell? Derek you're alive?" Erica swung open the door.

"Stiles" Derek groaned. The pack picked him up and brought him to his bed. "Stiles."

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