20. The wedding ❤🥰

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The haldi for Malhotras and Murtys was not less than holi. Eventhough traditionally, it is only the bride and groom who should apply haldi, our couple smashed everyone's face with haldi and everyone had a 'facial' and all looked no less than clowns.

The couple were made to sit together with a screen between them. The bride side and the groom side gathered separately and they applied haldi on the bride and groom respectively. Now, the position was interchanged. Manik and Nandini desperately tried to see each other but they were strictly denied by the cousins and they didn't let them see. Not even a picture was shown.
Soon both of them went to their respective rooms to change. But how can our Manik leave Nandini without even having a look?

Immediately, a knock was heard and Nandini assuming it to be her mom, opened the door. But her breath hitched when she saw Manik. She was all mess with Haldi all over her. He had removed haldi in his face and hands.

"Manik, we are not supposed to see each other" He slightly pushed Nandini inside and locked the door.

"Why are you locking the door?"

"I haven't seen you today. Everyone applied haldi on you except me"

"Haha Manik, that's because you are the groom. Now move. I will change and come" saying so, Nandini began walking to the washroom but Manik Immediately pulled her and she landed straight on his chest.

"Ma......ni...k" he held her in his arms and locked his eyes with hers. She was lost. He took advantage of this situation and took a little bit of haldi from his neck and forearm and applied it to her face, neck, arms. When he was about to apply it to her legs, she stopped.

"No. Not on my legs"


"You are my to be husband Manik. I don't want you to touch my legs. You are elder to me" hearing her, Manik broke out laughing.

"Which century are you in Nandini? I anyway don't care" after shutting her up, he applied haldi on her legs and also adorned her feet with anklets. She was really surprised.

"Thanks Manik"

"You know you don't have to thank me right! Anyway, few more hours to go!!"

"Wait! Don't go" Manik was really surprised. The girl who didn't initially allow him inside is now asking him to wait. She took haldi from her body and applied it on his body. He was really bewildered and did a mental dance. Soon their little romance came to an end and both decided to rest for a while as they have their wedding in few more hours!

Quick forward to evening:

Both the bride and groom were adorned with several beautiful accessories along with their custom made dress. Both were called to the mandap. Manik sat in first and with open mouth gaped at Nandini. He just wonder if she was the same girl whom he met several days before or some angel who descended from heaven to make his wedding even more special.
As soon as she came near the mandap, he held her hand and helped her sit down. The priest began chanting the holy hymns and after a while, both were asked to get up for their pheras, in which the groom leads the bride for 4 rounds and then for the remaining 3 rounds is led by the bride. In each round, the couple promises something for each other. They are asked to do 7 rounds around the holy fire because 7 is the only number that is not a multiple of 360. Here 360 refers to complete circle of life (bear with some maths, please). These are the promises our Manan did during their pheras.

1. I will be with you, in sick and health, in happiness and sadness, in wealth and poverty.
2. I promise to trust you and protect you from all evils of society.
3. I will take care of you always and I promise to remain forever loyal. You will be the only girl I will look.
4. I promise to treat you and your family with respect and I will cherish you for a lifetime.

5. Manik, I promise to remain loyal to you , respect you and treat your family like my own.
6. I promise to support you when you are down and I will be your best friend with whom you can confide all your secrets.
7. I promise to provide the warmth and comfort for you to make me your home.

With these vows, their pheras got completed and both of them were showered with flowers from everyone who gathered for their wedding ceremony. Both were asked to sit down.

The priest now called Manik and handed him the Mangalsutra. Both of them locked their eyes for a moment and Manik tied the Mangalsutra around her neck. She felt shivers when he lightly brushed his hand while tying. The priest then handed over the sindhoor to him and he took a pinch and applied it to her hair partition, officially making them married.

Both signed the legal documents and took the blessings of the elders, who showered them with affection, love and blessing.

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Tada!!! They are married!

Precap: bidaai and grahpravesh!

Hey guys!
I really enjoyed writing this chapter. Eventhough the wedding vows seemed pretty simple, at the end, only these basic things make a huge difference. In every relationship, loyalty, trust, care, affection is very important. When all these are present, love automatically develops!

Do let me know if you liked the vows and their little romance. Do vote and comment, it really means a lot.

Much love ♡

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