50. Epilogue

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3 years later: Nandini's pov:

Being a mom is definitely difficult, especially to twins who just can't stop with their naughtiness. Yes, after that night, everything changed.

Manik and I became very close after breaking the final barrier. We became one in all sense mind and body. In this 3 years, we traveled a lot and explored lots of cuisines. In fact, we fulfilled each other's bucket list. Life went on good for a year but after that, our family starting nudging us for children. 

We both decided to have children only when we were ready but the family nudging made it worst. We had regular fights regarding that issue.


"Manik, my parents are asking for a child. I told them we are not ready and they are pressuring me"  I said and Manik had the same reaction as me. We both were blank. We wanted to travel more, explore more but with this constant demand for child is worsening us.

"Nandini, didn't we decide to have a child after an year. Why can't you just tell them?" Manik questioned really annoyed. If it were for the first time, he would have answered in a calm manner but this is probably the 10th time, they were discussing about the kid.

"Don't you think I told them? And why the hell are you shouting at me? I am in the same boat as you. Stop shouting at me" I screamed in the same voice as him and it worsened the situation. Manik cornered me to the wall and stared at me in an intense manner. I couldn't take it anymore. I just broke down crying. First the family pressure and then this Manik, who is not at all understanding. Probably,  after seeing my tears, Manik calmed down. He made me seat on the couch and held my hands.

"Habibti, relax okay. You need not feel pressurized. It's okay. Let our parents say anything. We are going to parent our child and not them. We have to be ready because parenting is not simple. It must not be forced. We must be ready mentally. Just calm down" he said with lot of sincerity in his eyes. I hugged him and both of us were in peace in each other's arms.

That's what happened everytime someone triggered me with baby.

After 6 months, we decided to have a baby hence we started doing it without protection. I am stupid. I get upset everytime when my periods get delayed and I test negative. That happened for consecutive 4 months. I lost my hopes.

I was dull and when Manik enquired me, I didn't know what to tell. I again cried.

"Manik, this is the fourth time I am testing negative. I am losing hope Manik" I finally cried in his arms.

"Nandini, just calm down okay. There are couples who try for years together. We are young and we have just now started. And Nandini, tell me one thing, when is the last time we got intimate without the thought of having baby? We must wait Nandini. We must have s*x without any expectations" he said and that was when I realized, whatever he told is true. We always had intercourse with the main objective of impregnating me.

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