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At four in the afternoon I checked my phone. Nobody had text me all day, not even Meredith. I thought maybe she would understand what happened with Kai – but I guess not. I sat for hours watching re-runs on Disney Channel of Lizzie McGuire. God, have I missed that show.

At exactly four p.m. the marathon finished, and as if on cue my phone buzzed. Tristian.

T- Are you okay?

M- You saw?

T- Yeah.

M- Oh.

T- Hey, it's okay. Don't worry about it, it will all be gone tomorrow.

M- Are you sure?

T- Yeah :-)

T- Meet me tonight.

M- What? After everything that happened?

T- I promise you, it will be okay.

M- I don't know...

T- Mae please. Meet me at 7.

M- Where?

T- Kristy's??

M- I've never eaten there... What and where is it?

T- You haven't been to Kristy's before? Do you want me to pick you up?'

M- I'll find my way.

T- Soooo... 7?

M- Okay.

Of course every part of me wanted to go but I was hesitant. I couldn't risk being seen with him yet again. The last thing I needed was my face splashed over all the newspapers and internet tomorrow morning.

T- Oh and don't get dressed up. Just casual.

M- So it's not a date?

T- Not unless you want it to be :-)

I didn't know how to reply, so I didn't. Whenever he spoke to me I felt like a different person. I felt like he was judging me, so I had to be someone different.

The time was coming on four thirty, so I got up and went upstairs to find something to wear. The television still buzzed from downstairs as I looked through my wardrobe. It was way too hot for jeans, but I felt too insecure to wear shorts. I decided with a soft white dress. What if someone saw me? And took pictures? I felt too insecure to even go outside, let alone on a date with Hollywood's hottest male. Thinking about this situation just made me feel sick to my stomach. What if the same thing happened again? My face would be all over the internet again. I didn't know if I could deal with that.

Six thirty came around quickly. It scared me to think I was going to see him again. Before I could even register what was happening in my own mind, I hoped out the door and looked around. Of course Jeremy had taken the car. Everything had to be ruined, just when I needed it. Of course.

Without even thinking I texted Tristan.

M­- Hey im sorry... I really don't think I can make it tonight.

I sat on my doormat and waited for a reply. I didn't have to wait long.

T- What? What do you mean? :-(

M- My dad took the car, and I actually have no idea where this place is. Im sorry.

T- I told you I could pick you up???

M- No... I feel rude...

T- Mae, I owe it to you...

M- Ok...

T- Where are you now?

M- Home. I'll walk to the end of my street. I told him the name of my street.

T- See you in ten :-)

I smiled at the thought of Tristan. His smile, his eyes. Him. He made me feel something I hadn't felt in a long time. This could really be the start of something... Something beautiful.

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