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this is the end :) but there may be a second book ;);;;);)



I'd honestly dreaded this day for so long.

Today, was Tristan's premiere and I was a month deep in year twelve work. It was now nearly October and the weather was certainly cooling down quickly.

I'd been thinking about what to do today for so long. But, I was in love with Tristan. I picked him time and time again. There was no way I was going to pick another guy over someone I had wanted for so long.

My mom flew over at midday to Hollywood, where we went to my father's house. They hadn't spoken in years on good terms – so it didn't feel great that she was here because of me.

When we arrived at Jeremy's he left the keys under the mat and left a note saying he would be back tomorrow, but my mom and I would be gone by then.

My mom hired a professional stylist who arrived at the house at around three. She brought a whole team of people who all arrived with different jobs to do. Some did my nails, some stylists pulled some dresses in on a rack as I sat in a dinner chair and they all attended to different parts of my body. Everyone was pulling at different parts of my body and I closed my eyes, trying to imagine what tonight would be like.

A red dress was selected and hung up on a coat hanger closer to where I was sitting.

The time literally flew, and before I knew it I was standing in front of a body length mirror, overlooking my own complexion. I looked like someone famous, I truly did. It was around six, and the red carpet started at six thirty. Thankfully, the drive wasn't too long to get to the premiere.

"You look amazing," my mom said, as she turned me around so I faced her, with my back to the mirror. She pushed a curl off of my shoulder and back into place with the others. I smiled back at her.

"Mom, thank-you." I meant it. She knew I was grateful that she followed me to Hollywood just to do this.

It felt strange to be back here, in this house. It feels like it could have even been years ago – whereas it was only just over a month ago that I was here. But this time, I felt older. I felt like I knew more about myself this time around.

"It's time to go, Mae," a voice said from behind me that unsettled me. A lady with an earpiece in stood at the door as she widely opened it, revealing a black limousine at the bottom of the driveway.

"Go get him," my mom smiled, hugging me. I thanked everyone in the room for preparing me in such a short amount of time. I slowly made my way to the door and felt the mild air on my naked arms, looking at the limo that sat in my street.

Someone wrapped their arm in mine and walked me down to the limo, with another lady holding the long part of my dress. The driver opened up the door and I slowly got in, making sure my dress sat properly under me.

One lady followed me – the one with the earpiece – into the limo, and we drove off. A part of me wanted to go home to Miami, but another part of me knew I had to go to the premiere.

The drive wasn't long, but I was getting talked to the whole time by the lady. She was telling me where to stand, what to say and how to not make a scene. I wasn't listening, because I couldn't stop thinking.

What if he has another date?

What if he's done with me for good this time?

"Alright, hurry hurry. We have to go!" the associate told me. I snapped out of my thoughts and instantly back to reality. I looked around and saw the red carpet ahead of me, as each limo rolled out.

"Are you coming with me?" I asked, my heart about to implode.

"No, I can't walk the red carpet. You will be fine. Anyways, I think it will be your first of many," she said with a wink.

What's that supposed to mean?

The limos quickly rolled off the road and there was one in front of me, and then it was me.

"So you know what to do?"

"Yes," I lied, cursing my imagination for wondering.

The limo rolled up to the start of the red carpet and I looked out my window to see many glamourous people ahead of me, walking in as couples.

The associate opened the door.

"Alright go! You're off!" she shouted. I launched myself out the door, and a man at the beginning of the red carpet held my hand as he lifted me out. Another man held the door open as I stepped out. The door behind me shut and before I knew it, I was standing on a red carpet.

Photographers stood everywhere, taking my photo.

I was blinded by the lights and I began to worry about Tristan. What if I wasn't able to find him?

I walked behind the couples and kept my head down, which is probably the worst thing to do on a red carpet. I made it through the first section, when I turned the corner and the backgrounds started on cardboard, which meant this is where everybody got their photos done properly.

I looked around for my blond boy, but he was nowhere.

I walked ahead to where everyone was getting interviewed.

There he was.

I ran with the highest speed I could in heels, picking up the bottom of my dress and feeling like a princess in the movies I watched when I was a little kid.

Suddenly, images of my entire summer with Tristan came flooding to my brain. Every moment was replayed in a short moment, as I ran for my life towards him.

He stood in front of two bright cameras and one lady with a microphone. I think they were from Entertainment Weekly.

They asked him to step back into the light where everyone could take photos of him. He took a few steps back and fixed up his suit and tie, then smiled into the camera.

I was still running, and I reached the view of the cameras.

Earlier in the summer, I remember Tristan telling me he wanted something worthy, and something to remember about his career.


This, he was going to remember.

For one second everything - all the noise, all the camera clicks – went silent.

I touched his shoulder and pushed my arm around his waist, where my face sharply touched his lips, and I felt them slowly soften and conform to the shape of mine. His hand comfortably sat on my back where it always used to fit perfectly.

I raised my hand to the side of his face, and pulled away – smiling.

Suddenly, everything came back at once. The sound of men shouting, camera's flashing – people calling his name. I was forced back to reality all at once.

His name was being called by a thousand men, who stood behind the cameras behind a barricade.

Slowly, Tristan's arm wrapped around my waist, and made its way to sit on my hip.

"You're not supposed to do that, you know," he laughed, stating the obvious.

I smiled, and knelt my head into his neck.


Finally, I knew that he was mine and I was his. After all of this hectic mess – we finally found each other, and for good this time.


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