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"So where did you end up last night?" Jeremy asked, buttering his toast.

"What do you mean?" I asked taking a bite of mine.

"I heard you come in around nine thirty. Where did you go?"


"What? So you a teenage girl decided to stay home when one of the best Hollywood parties was going on down the street?

"Best Hollywood party?"

"Yep, goes on every summer. The third day to be exact. Everybody who is anybody goes there."


"You went didn't you?"

"Yes, but don't be mad okay, I was just trying it out."

"I'm not mad you are a teenager, and you need to experiment." He finished his toast and put the plate in the sink with all the others. I got off the stool and placed mine there as well.

"Just tell me before you go next time okay?" he asked sipping some juice.

"Of course Jeremy," I said as I walked up to my room. I take a step back down the stairs as an idea came to me. "Jeremy! Can I take the car?"

He started to frown but then mumbled, "Mmmhm." I felt like hugging him, luckily I didn't. I ran across the floorboards to the garage and sat myself in the car. It was nice and cozy leather. I opened the garage door with the remote and reversed into the street. As I drove I saw the house I was at last night had a few people asleep on the grass.

The grass was no longer green, it had been spray-painted blue. I smiled to myself and continued. I kept driving until I found a place with no houses, just a few shops. I got out and locked the car, it beeping twice. I threw on my sunglasses and brushed my dark brown hair behind my ears. The first store in the street was a cd store that had a lot of cars parked out the front, mostly all pink and red with stickers on the bumpers. Fan girls.

I stumbled into the shop with the automatic doors opening for me. I started to walk in until I realized there was a line. My eyes widened.

Around two hundred girls stood ahead of me screaming, gasping and talking. They were in line that looped around and around in circles towards the door.

A young man near the door who had a nametag that read Al caught me off guard when he spoke to me.

"You here for that?" he asked nodding his head towards the girls.

"No way, that not me. Is it possible to just have a look here?"

"The music part of the store is actually closed today, just so we didn't have to many people in here, but for you, you can go ahead."

I smiled, "Thanks." People in Hollywood were surprisingly nicer than I thought they would be. I think he winked at me but I wasn't sure. I slid my sunglasses onto my head and pushed through the girls to get behind whatever they were all looking at to get to the music section. Some swore at me, claiming I was pushing in.

Others wouldn't budge when I asked and some just pushed back at me then apoligised when they realized I wasn't pushing in.

Al walked to the sliding doors and locked it so no more girls could come in. It was eleven forty eight, so I'm guessing this all ends at twelve. I looked at what was happening. Girls were getting pictures and autographs of this boy in sunglasses and a cap they were obviously all attracted to. When they saw him their faces went red and they all asked for hugs. I continued shopping for some music until I got too sick of all the girls screaming.

I walked over to the shop that was connected to the cd store, it was a clothing shop, except old clothes people didn't want anymore. I started looking around for some good finds until I found the perfect pair of ripped shorts for the summer. Even though somebody had owned them before they looked pretty good.

I payed $5 for them, and then decided to go back to the cd store because the girls had died down. There was about ten left in line and it was twelve ten. I walked back to where I was standing before, the shorts in my hand. I saw the bathroom near me so I decided to change shorts and put the new ones on.

I came back out and the line was down to three girls. Good. I started shopping again and now it was actually peaceful. I looked at the teen pop section. One by one the girls cleared out and two muscular men started to take down the posters and move the table he sat out. He whoever he was stood there in black shorts and a white singlet.

"Thanks guys for today, appreciate it," he said. I had my back to him so I couldn't tell what was happening, just a lot of walking around.

"Excuse me, visiting hours are over!" said a voice behind me. Al stood behind the counter of the shop. Until he noticed me, he looked blankly.

"Sorry I thought you were one of those girls. Continue." I looked at Al blankly and saw the other man – the celebrity – looking at me as well. He was smirking. I turned back around and continued flicking through cd's. I flipped four and from behind me I heard four flips. I can't say it didn't irritate me. I would flick a certain amount and so would the person behind me.

It got on my nerves so I spun around shouting "Al Stop!" He looked at me with a blank face. That wasn't all. Al was behind the counter ten meters away. It was him.

"Sorry, I thought you were just doing that to annoy me."

"No." He turned back and continued to flick through CD's quietly this time. I turned around and felt my cheeks burn. Something tugged on my pants. I swung around, thinking it was him but there was nobody there and there was nothing on my pants.

I walked out of the shop without buying anything and drove home as fast as I could.

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