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sorry it took so long to update, I've literally been so busy with study and that.

THIS IS NEARLY THE END IM SO SORRY, I may as well take it to 50 chapters though, lol.



I opened my eyes in the dark first class cabin. A flight attendant shook me as she notified me that the flight was nearly over, so it was time to put the seats back to their normal positions. The cabin was still dark, and through one open window shade I saw the sunny sky of Miami.

The lady walked past and I smiled at the little girl beside me, who was playing with her seatbelt as she tried to figure out how to click it together.

I leant over the armrest and clicked her seatbelt in for her, and she smiled up at me and briefly saying thank-you.

She continued to look at me, and I could see her staring in the corner of her eye.

"Mae... Mae Parker?" she softly said, nervously. I looked down at her and looked briefly at the gap in her teeth gaping out of her open mouth.

"Yes?" I asked, confused.

She shuffled in her seat and unzipped her jacket, revealing a black top with a photo of Tristan on stage on it. He had his guitar in his hands as he sang to the crowd with his eyes shot. The photo looked a year or so old. I smiled.

"You're a fan?" I laughed. What a coincidence.

"Yeah, me and my mom went to his concert in 2015!" she smiled. The girl looked around six or seven, and I had no idea why her parents had let her fly alone.

"Are your parents on the flight?" I asked.

"I'm flying to my mom's to go to back to school, my dad lived in California."

"How old are you?"

"I'm seven!" she smiled again.

The overhead speaker told us that the flight was beginning its descent now. The girl and I had some small talk for a bit, but there wasn't much to talk about really after we got to know each other. Her name was Amber, and she'd been a fan of Tristan since she was four.

After I sorted out my bags and everything off the flight, I made my way for the main exit of the terminal, when a girl grabbed me from behind.

I turned and Amber was there with her mom, as her mom held an iPhone in her hand.

"Do you mind if we get a photo? She's a big fan of Tristan's." the mom asked and I nodded. We took a quick photo as Amber put her arm around me and then hugged me. I left them and walked towards the exit, knowing that I'd probably made that girls day.

I walked out the front of the airport, when all my texts flooded through that I had obviously missed since leaving Hollywood. There wasn't really any, except a few from Tristan wishing me a safe flight.

I looked around, and I don't know what I expected. I remembered Mom saying the cruise got in on Sunday, and today was Saturday. It was around 5pm, and the warm sun was still humid in the air.

I pushed down the handle on my suitcase and sat down on the retaining wall that enclosed some trees elevated next to the exit. I went through my phone, looking for Sara. I knew she was probably somewhere in her car driving around on a Saturday night. I hoped that everything was okay between her and I.

I watched families come out, and individuals all either hugging someone that was here to pick them up, or crossing the road to the parking bay. I lifted the phone to my ear and let it ring through to Sara, but she didn't pick up quickly.

Looking around at all the happy people, a limo slowly drove up and settled next to the curb, directly in the center of where everyone was getting picked up. As I watched, a man got out of the limo in a black suit and cap, and he took out a folded up sheet of paper from his jacket pocket. He quickly glanced over the piece of paper before holding up a sign labelled Mae Parker.

I quickly ended the call before Sara could answer and dragged my luggage over to the man.

"That's me. I'm Mae Parker," I smiled, breathless from the quick dash in between people.

"Miss Parker, how was the flight?" he asked, as he folded up the sheet of paper and placed it back inside his jumper. He instantly took my bags and opened up the back door for me. When I climbed in, the limo was larger than what I was used to. He quickly put my bags in the back and climbed into the front where he started up the limo.

It'd been a while since I'd been in a limo, so I looked around at the interior and memories came flooding back of when Tristan took me in a limo.

"It was such a long flight," I complained, "I still have to write my senior speech, which I have to do on Monday."

He laughed in the front seat, but it wasn't really a laughing matter. In two days I had a ten-minute speech that I haven't even began writing.

"What did my mum say when she called you up to pick me up?" I asked, shuffling in my seat.

He stayed quiet as we pulled out of the airport and onto the main road.

"Miss Parker, it was in fact Mr. Dawson who organized me to drive you home."

My heart fluttered a little bit and I couldn't help but be surprised.

"Tristan organized this?" I smiled.

The driver made eye contact with me in the mirror.

"He sure did..."

"How is he going?"

He didn't reply.

I turned and looked out the tinted windows, waiting for the driver to reply – but he never did. What a summer it had been, honestly. I started visualizing a speech in my head of what I could say on Monday because frankly, I had no idea where to start.

By the time we got home in the afternoon traffic, it was around seven p.m. It felt different to walk inside for the first time all summer. The driver dropped off my luggage at the door and slowly circled the court until I was inside.

When I first opened the door, it was all dark and the blinds were all shut. It smelt like hot timber. I walked over to the fridge and opened the door – noticing it was empty. I personally don't know why I thought there would be anything inside since nobody had been here for two and a half months. I quickly took my bags up to my bedroom and didn't take any time to look around before I showered the feeling of Hollywood off of my skin.

I went downstairs and sunk into the couch, turning the television on. I wasn't really paying attention when the entertainment weekly update came on during the ad break of a show. A few photos flicked on the screen that had obviously been taken from someone sitting on the plane, as you could see some of the plane window sill in the photo.

There were only two photos, and they were both of the same thing, just at different moments.

I smiled, but knowing that now it was all behind me and I left all the trouble in Hollywood, now I was in Miami, and I felt like I had just come back down to earth.

At nine p.m. I set up my laptop at the table and began typing my speech. I had no idea what I was going to say, or how I was going to say it, but I only had thirty-six hours to figure it out.

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