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After what felt like forever of Sara talking to Tristan about her flight, which seemed like it should have been televised with all the stuff that apparently happened to her.

"This is my home!" I smiled and tried to believe it myself. We were parked in the drive. Luckily Sara hadn't asked why 'Tyson' was with us or how he was getting home, because it was his car.

"I'll go and get settled in?" Sara asked, inching out the door.

"Okay." Luckily she got the hint that I wanted to be alone with Tristan, "I'll say goodbye to Tyson." I handed her the front door keys.

"Alright!" she smiled and winked at me as she got out. I popped the trunk open and she managed to collect her bags quickly and waddle through the door. We sat in silence, yet again.

"I'm –" I start but so does he. Turns out we both said the same thing.

"You go," he laughed.

"I'm really sorry about tonight. I did want to stay up there longer but Jeremy made me pick her up and –"

"Hey don't worry about it," he said getting out of the car. I could tell he still had what happened with Alex on his mind. I followed him out of the car. He began walking around to the drivers seat.

"Do you want to talk about what happened with Alex?" I asked, feeling my heart drop into my stomach.

"No, not really." He put his seatbelt on.

"Tristan!" I yelled. "You can't just avoid things, okay you need to sort these things out!"

"I don't want to..." he shut the door on his car and I thought he was going to leave. He wound down the window.

"What? So you're just leaving?" I asked, shrugging my shoulders. After everything that happened tonight, he just wants to leave like that.

"What else am I supposed to do?" he asked angrily, slamming his fist on the steering wheel.

"I don't know," I softly said, suddenly getting sick of his random outbursts.

He pulled his car out of the driveway and I turned my back to him, just leaving us at that. I couldn't believe him, randomly freaking out then cool the next second.

I heard his car reverse and then stop. His window was still down.

"I'll talk to you later?" he asked hopefully.


He drove off down my court and I walked into the illuminated house. I didn't know if Jeremy was home or not, but I know Sara left all the lights on. I switched them off as I made my way upstairs. Sara was upstairs talking about something to herself, that or she was on the phone already.

Don't get me wrong, I loved Sara. But sometimes it was like I wasn't even with her. Just her and that phone of hers.

"Sara?" I asked walking into the room. "You can take a shower if you want."

"I'm good. Where am I sleeping?"

"Um," I looked around. Nothing. The couch probably folded out. She can sleep on that. It may not be the best option but it's all I've got at the moment.

"Come downstairs with me, the couch folds out. It's pretty decent actually," I lied. She tugged along a bag downstairs with her.

"So that friend of yours? Is him and his girlfriend serious?" she asked.

"I don't even know," I admitted. "They're complicated."

"So do you reckon I could go for him?"

"Probably not, no," I groaned after a pause. No way. I knew she would do this.

"Okay. We'll see..." she winked before climbing into the bed that I folded out by myself.

"Night," I mumbled as I walked up the stairs and turned off the light downstairs.

"Goodnight! Tomorrow let's meet some cute boys!" she laughed from downstairs.

"Okay!" I sarcastically said, but she couldn't tell it was sarcasm. I only wanted one cute boy, but it looks like he didn't want me back. I just want to sleep for a while and hope this whole thing blows over.

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