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I was so hungry. My stomach grumbled as I covered it with my hands. According to my clock, it was only five in the morning. I'd almost made it through the night without waking up. I still didn't know how Sara finished the night off, or if Jeremy was home.

There was a sound that I thought had originally woken me up – but I assumed I was making things up. It was a faint clicking sound and it came from Jeremy's room.

I shifted my feet along the floorboards into the big room next door. His bed was un-made with bowls of half eaten cereal all over the place. I think there was even a milk stain in the carpet.

I walked to the window where the sound was coming from and opened the blind to see a familiar car.


And was he throwing rocks at my window?

Well not my window, Jeremy's.

I quickly guided the window up, until Tristan saw me.

"Hey you..." he said, looking down.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. After sleeping on the situation, I felt a lot better. My mind felt clearer.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm just tossin' rocks!" he smirked.

"This isn't my window by the way," I laughed. "It's my dad's."

"Oh sorry princess!" he mocked. "Come down here."

"Okay, I'll be down in a second."

When I got outside (after not waking up Sara thankfully) I saw Tristan sitting on the boot of his car. He was in black skinny jeans – like always – and in a tank top with a blue beanie.

"Took you long enough!" he laughed.

"Hey!" I punched him in the arm, "It's hard to not wake up someone as you walk past them."

He smiled and shook his head at me. I reached his car and sat down on the boot beside him.

"You okay?" he asked. I could tell he was looking at me as I looked at my house.

"Yeah. I'm glad you showed up actually."

"Why's that?"

"I re-thought things."


"I'm happy to give this a try if you are..."

"I'm good with that," he laughed. "Want to go for a drive?"

"Its five a.m.," I complained.

"Hollywood's the best at this hour," he said sternly but broke into a smile when he saw my face soften into a smile. We both ran around the car and sat in the seat opposite to each other. I liked this side of him.

We travelled along the highway laughing and giggling about the stupidest things. We turned into a small carpark behind a restaurant that was lit with blue and yellow lights.

"Where are we?" I asked, trying to recognize where we were, but everything looked different at this time of the morning.

"Denny's," he smiled at me. What's a Denny's? He must have been able to tell by the blank look on my face.

"You've never been to a Denny's before?" his eyes were wide and staring at me.

"I never really ate out... my mums boyfriend was a good cook..."

"Well, you are going to loooooove this!" he laughed and we both got out of the car. He locked the car.

"Welcome to Denny's," the lady at the front said. She was hanging up the 'breakfast' sign, which means it had just gone six a.m. She smiled at Tristan and I as we walked up the set of stairs and into the front door.

A little bell rang when we entered and I smelt apple pancakes.

"Welcome to Denny's. My names Anne Marie! Here's some menus. I'll get you guys a seat." She led us over to a booth seat next to a big window. The diner was empty, except for a few people here and there. There were few workers standing around, cleaning tables that were already clean. Outside, it was still dark – but I had no doubt the sun would begin to rise soon.

"This okay?" she asked.

"It's perfect," Tristan smiled. She placed the menus on the table and walked away. We sat facing each other, our arms resting against the window.

"So, breakfast?" I asked. "This is new."

"I know. I'm an ideas man."

"Oh really?" I laughed. He was so not an ideas man.

We got our order quickly, since we were now the only ones in the diner. I ordered pancakes and he ordered some with bacon.

"I can't believe you've never been here... What do you think of it?" he asked. My mouth was full of pancakes so I took a while to respond.

"Yeah, it's good. Great pancakes."

He snickered at what I said.

Something outside the window caught my eye. A group of girls, maybe my age crossing the quiet road. I had no idea why any teenager in the right mind would be awake at this time of the morning. As they got closer I noticed they were in a work uniform, which looked like the five of them worked for Target. They were on their way to Denny's, which was obvious.

"Do you know these girls?" he asked. He had noticed them as well.

"I don't live here?" I questioned him. "You are famous, you know. They probably want to meet you," I said after I noticed they had stopped outside our window. They were probably three metres away from the window, all crowding in a semi-circle.

"Should I go out there?" he asked.

"No, I think they're coming in here. If they're not I'm sure they are now." He laughed and I giggled, noticing some syrup had fallen down his chin. I grabbed a napkin and wiped his chin and he held his head up. He was laughing at me, but I was laughing harder.

"Thanks babe."

I choked. What did he just say?

I looked outside to see all the girls had their phones out and were taking some pictures of us. Tristan must have thought I looked uncomfortable, so he reached across to my hand. I looked up into his eyes.

"We can go two ways about this. We can either: ignore them and go on with our eating, or two: we can make faces at them. I mean if you're going to get your picture taken you may as well be classy about it hey?"

"Okay!" I giggled. We turned to the girls and started making faces at them. I looked at him and saw he was making the most ridiculous face, so I did one too. They started laughing at us.

I invited them in with a simple wave and in they came. I honestly didn't know where I was going with this.

Tristan looked at me with a puzzled look.

"I want them to know me," I said after a pause.

"I was going to say the exact same thing..." he laughed. The girls walked in and the little bell rang. I knew it was now or never.

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