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Two Days Later 8am.

I sat on my bed that had no blankets. Last night the weather got really bad, making the whole city unable to sleep. Now it was only 8am and it was already hot. Still in my same shorts and tank top from a few days ago, I reached into my pockets to find a small piece of paper. Meredith must have put the number back after we called 'him'. I smiled and my thumb brushed over the digits.

"Mae I'm going out, I might be home tonight but don't count on it." After he spoke the front door slammed and seconds later his tires were screeching down the court. I pulled out my phone and decided to call the number again. As soon as I dialed it and pressed call, a voice appeared on the other line.


"Hi um, I found this number in the back pocked of my shorts. I bought them from an op shop so maybe they were for the previous owner, but I just wanted to check."

"Ah I see."

"Excuse me?"

"This is going to sound totally creepy, but would you like to meet me for lunch and we can talk over what really happened."

"What? Im confused..."

"Meet me at 1pm at the Raw Bite. I will be expecting you."

"Is that in Hollywood?"

"Sure is. Trust me don't think I'm a weirdo."

I laughed as I said, "Sure. I guess I'll see you then." He hung up. There was no way I was meeting some person I don't even know at a Café. I was going to stick around in the house out of the heat today.

Three hours later, 11am.

My phone rang. I was in-between a marathon of old television shows when it buzzed on my lap. Jeremy. I pressed answer and lifted the phone to my ear.

"What do you want?"

"So, I realized that we don't actually have any food for you to have lunch so I'm guessing you're going to have to go into town to buy something..." His speech was slurred and fading.

"Jeremy, I don't have a car. You took my only ride."

"Walk then. Your mother told me to take care of you so I am, now go and eat like I told you to." I hung up the phone and chucked it into my bag which I slung over my shoulder. The lace on my white skirt tickled my knees as I walked to the television to turn the off button. I slipped into some flat shoes and walked out the door, locking it behind me.

As I turned and started to walk along the pavement a car pulled out of Meredith's house and stopped at the edge of her drive. The window wound down and Meredith sat looking in the opposite direction, trying to reverse onto the road.

"Meredith!" I shouted and began to run towards her car. She spun her head towards me and her brown hair swung over her sunglasses.

"Do you want a ride or something?" she asked as she turned her blinkers off.

"Is that okay? Where are you headed anyway?" I asked as I reached the car and placed my hand on the roof.

"Just going to work actually."

"Wait, since when did you have a job?"

"I had to so I could pay for my car," she frowned but then it turned into a grin. "You could join me at work!?"

"Are you sure that is okay?"

"My boss is never there, and you could help me do my jobs."

"Is there food there?"

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