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Before slipping into bed I changed into a fresh pair of flannel shorts and an oversized tank top. Then, I began thinking about the adventure Tristan had just taken me on. He took me on an adventure of whirlwind emotions and feelings but in the end it's probably a night I will never forget. The first date I had ever been on was tonight, with a boy I had mixed feelings about. Hours ago I wasn't sure what to expect. What were dates like? Tristan's definitely lived up to my expectations.

The digital clock in the room blinked at eleven p.m. I couldn't tell if I had fallen asleep or not. I turned over to the other side of my bed and stared across the room to my laptop. Its small light blinked softly on and off. Jeremy still wasn't home, so I got up and shuffled across the floorboards to the laptop. I brought it back to my bed and placed my pillow against the metal bars of my bedhead. I knew what I was about to do, I would regret. I couldn't resist. I needed to know.

The bright screen made my eyes adjust to the whiteness the Google homepage had. I slowly typed ten characters. Mae space Parker. My eyes lit up when I noticed nothing coming up. Just a few of those faulty images of people with the same name as me. Nothing new came up when I clicked on the News tab. Maybe nobody had seen us, I told myself. But I knew the hard truth. Next I googled his name. Tristan Dawson.

It felt like forever before the webpage loaded, but it did. All the pictures of Tristan were the same as they were last time I googled him and nothing new was happening. My mouse hovered over the News tab and I knew I would regret it. I clicked on it.

Article after article came up like it did last time. They all had one thing in common, pictures of Tristan and I inside that damn restaurant. I clicked on the one that came up first, the most read I think. The heading of the article read 'Tristan Dawson and mysterious brunette... Who is she?' I scrolled down and read over the details. This one was just a lot of text and no images, so I guess so far so good. I pressed back and clicked on the second article. 'Tristan D + girlfriend =?' Even I didn't know what that meant. We weren't even dating, nothing was official as of yet. Not that I knew of. Same as the first one though, this article had no pictures. I pressed back once more and decided one more article would do me. Third one on the page has quite the strange title. 'Tristan Dawson and mystery blonde hit Kristy's only to ditch! And who's the jealous man fighting for her attention?' Now I may not be the smartest person, but I was pretty sure I wasn't blonde, nor did I have a man fighting for my attention. These articles were ridiculous, starting rumors when they didn't even know the story. I scrolled down and read the beginning of the article. 'Eighteen year old Tristan Dawson was seen a few hours ago with a mystery blonde. At exactly seven they were seen walking in hand-in-hand to Kristy's famous restaurant. The hot young infamous star and a girl sat at the back of the restaurant to hide away from the paps, but clearly they were spotted.' I scrolled down a bit further to see what I hadn't expected. Images. My eyes widened when I saw the first picture of us walking into the restaurant. His hand was reaching out for mine, but perhaps at that time I hadn't noticed. I didn't hold his hand the entire night but it did look like I would have from this photo. 'Tristan reaches out for the young girls hand... ooh la la!' The caption read. I scrolled further and there was another set of images. These ones were both of us sitting on the table at the back of the restaurant. I continued reading. 'At around seven thirty Tristan realised the paps were on his back, so they hid! A few minutes later they were gone behind the heavy velvet curtain, and obviously exited out the back. An insider had told us Tristan left separate to her in his own private limousine. The blonde female exited the front door with a man that certainly wasn't Tristan. Is it an ex-boyfriend that could be jealous? Or just a friend that came to comfort her? It seems we won't know until Tristan lets us know himself.... Watch this space!'

I felt like throwing my laptop across the room. Idiots. Complete idiots. I was in the limo with him! The media will twist a story anyway to make it more interesting. I always used to believe these articles years ago, but now I see how stupid I was – how stupid everyone reading and believing this was. I got out of the article quickly, to avoid more problems spinning in my head. When I was about to close the tab I noticed something on Tristan's page when I had googled him before. There were links to all of his personal things like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Vine... All that kind of stuff. I was a teenager, but I had never even gotten around to getting any sort of social media. It just wasn't something me or my friends were into. Don't ask me why, I never knew. I clicked on the Instagram link though. I couldn't comment or like anything because I obviously didn't have an account, so I scrolled through some things. His most previous photo was him on stage with his band captioned 'Where I belong... x' His face looked so happy, his emotions and mind were all on that stage... where he apparently belonged. The comments on the right were moving quickly and I was surprised to what they said. 'Who is she!?' 'Ew! Why her?' 'You could do so much better.' 'What's the deal with bobble head brunette?' 'Ew... she's so ugly.' Little did they know I had feelings...

I felt like crying, so I closed the tab. Slamming my laptop lid down and safely putting it on the floor I cuddled up to my pillow, tears streaming down my face. I had no choice. I had to end this.

I had to end it with Tristan.

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