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When I finally reached my dad's house, the door was unlocked, the television was on and there was around four half empty beers on the coffee table. I was drenched all over, especially my toes probably being the wettest. To the right there was a staircase I walked up to reach the empty, gloomy guest room. The bed in the room wasn't made, just a single mattress.

The curtains reminded me of a mental asylum because they were white and see through. Nothing like what normal houses have.

This house was like a holiday house, it kept warm during the winter, but during the summer it was colder than ever. I threw my wet bag onto the floor and undressed into my pajamas. When I went to close the door I could hear the loud snores of my father echo into the hallway. I looked into his room to find a drunk mess in an undone suit and tie. Back up the hall, into my room I found myself looking through my phone messages.

I had really good service here. I threw some blankets onto my bed I found in the closet and jumped into bed.

9 am

"Mae! Hey there!"

I awoke to my father's face directly above me.

"D-Jeremy! What are you doing?"

"I'm sorry about last night, I kinda forgot."

"Yeah I could tell."

His eyes drifted to all my wet clothes. "I'll wash them for you," he said taking my clothes. I rubbed my eyes and went downstairs for breakfast. All I could find were some old and stale breakfast cereals that Miami didn't sell. It was probably a better idea that I didn't eat. Jeremy, my father came down the stairs. I didn't like to call him dad because it didn't feel right, it felt better calling him Jeremy.

"How was the flight here?" he asked, cleaning up the beer bottles.

"It was usual. Crappy service."

He could tell I was lying.

"Meet anybody special?"

"No. Jeremy, come on. It was a five hour flight not the first day of school."

"Just making conversation."

"Next time don't try as hard," Jeremy could feel the coldness in my voice. He stumbled over to the bench and then to the bin. I briefly saw his hands that were full of cuts and bruises.

"Jeremy, what happened to your hands?" I ask reaching for them in between words. He tore them away from my reach and glared at me. The room went silent and neither of us said a word. Jeremy slowly picked up the garbage bag and swiftly moved out the door.

Three days later, 9pm

The boy from the plane was still on my mind. I smiled at the thought of his name, Tristan. I felt like I knew a lot about him, but still feeling like I knew nothing. I knew none of his deepest thoughts or his darkest secrets.

All I wanted to do was get to know him, more. Days here in LA had been hot and I knew nobody here. Jeremy walked in and kissed me on the forehead. "Goodnight," he muttered.

"Night Jeremy."

"You don't need me to tuck you in or anything right?"

Smiling I say, "No thanks, I'm a big girl now." Jeremy turned the light off and walks out of the room, closing the door behind him. The thud of the door makes my heart vibrate out of its normal pattern. I sit in my bed wondering about this summer.

What will happen and what won't happen?

I hear music beats from outside my window. Slipping onto the warm unpolished timber, I tiptoe over to the window and glance in-between the window shade and the glass. The sky was lit, from blue to green to pink it changed with the music. As the bass dropped in the music the strobe lights came on. It was amazing, almost like it was daytime.

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