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When I reached Raw Bite the street was empty. For a Saturday night it was really quiet. I parked in the middle of two car parks and got out of the car. The car clicked as I locked it. I fiddled through my keys to find the key for the store. I slid the key in and turned the door, it making a clicking sound.

Once I was in, I hid the key in my pocket and shut the door behind me. Even though it was summer, the sky was red and the sun was almost set. Inside the store it was dark and cool and it smelt like vanilla. In the reflection in the store I saw a pair of headlights glimmer. I turned and saw the man get out of the car. He looked down at his phone and looked to the left and the right as he closed the car door. I quickly ran to the side of the shop and pushed a table towards the counter.

After that, I pushed one behind it towards us. I walked into the backroom where I saw a picnic rug earlier today. When I walked back into the main room he was standing at the door waiting. He was in dark sunglasses with a grey beanie. He wore khaki shorts and a plaid blue short-sleeved shirt. I placed the picnic rug down on the floor where the tables where a few minutes ago. I slowly walked towards the door and my hand felt for the handle. I opened it and smelt a nice manly smell.

He smiled and held out his hand. I slowly shook it and invited him in, closing the door after him. He took off his sunglasses and everything suddenly made sense. The tanned skin. The blonde hair. Tristan. My mouth flew open as I gazed into those bright blue eyes.

"You found me?" I asked him, my voice croaky and nervous.

"I found you in the music store, wrote down my number on a sheet of paper and put it in the back pocket of your pants."

"But –"

"I did surprise you didn't I?"


"Well actually I was pretty surprised you didn't notice my voice over the phone."


"So what have you got planned for me tonight?" he smirked at me and walked towards the cash register. "This is a nice place you own here."

"Oh, I don't own it. My friend gave me the key to the store today... after I worked the shift..." I said in a half whisper as my voice trailed off.

"See I knew that was you serving me today, but I didn't want to seem like a creep because I knew what you looked like. I remembered you from the flight."

"Yeah, because it's not creepy getting asked by a total stranger to 'hang out'." I laughed.

He looked at me and slowly smiled. "Do you want to eat?" I asked as I walked to the fridge door in the kitchen.

"Yeah sure, whatever you have I'm fine with." I opened the fridge to find nothing but a small pizza wrapped in foil with the name 'Jenny' written on it. Whoever Jenny was, I'm sure she didn't mind if we ate it. I carried it out into the main room of Raw Bite.

"I hope you like pizza!" I laughed as I carried it across the room to the picnic rug. I sat and put the pizza on the ground in front of me. He looked at me with a puzzled look.

"Okay suit yourself, I can have it all you know." He smirked again and walked towards me and sat against the wall next to me.

"So why didn't you say something today if you really knew it was me serving you?" I asked unwrapping the pizza.

"Well I thought it might have been a bit weird for you."

"You should have just taken off your glasses, I would have noticed you then." I was too focused in unwrapping the pizza that I didn't notice he was staring at me, not smiling this time.

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