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My head was pounding so loudly, I couldn't even think. Tristan had carried me into a limo – honeymoon style. I was now lying on the long seat on one side of the limo, while Tristan looked over me from his seat. I sat my cool hands on my boiling forehead.

"Is the limo turning around?" I asked Tristan. His sad, heavy eyes looked over me.

"Yeah, we're coming up the street now... What do you want me to do?" he asked. I had no idea. I guess I had to tell Sara someday. I guess that day had to be today. I sat up and rubbed my throbbing head. That knock to the pavement really hurt. I quickly fastened my seat belt over my body.

"Just go out and pull her into the limo, I guess."

"You don't care that she will notice me?" he asked. Once she found out she would go straight to Jeremy, and Tristan knew that.

"There's really no other way out of this situation," I cried.

"She didn't see me before, she was too distracted by the cameras. I'll send a different limo and deliver her to your house?" he softly asked.

"Okay, yeah..." I murmured. My head was killing me. He typed something into his phone and then before I knew it the limo slowed down and we reversed.

He unbuckled his seatbelt and lurched forward at me. His left hand sat on my upper arm as he tilted my head up.

"Your chin looks pretty busted. Do you want to see someone?" he asked.

"No, it feels okay," I lied. His right hand removed a few hairs from my face and tucked them behind my ear. I smiled up at him.

"Oh god! Your knee!" he cried as he took his hands off my body. I looked down at my shin that was black, and honestly looked pretty bad.

"You should see someone."

"No, I'm okay. Promise," I smiled. I wanted to ask exactly where we were going, but felt like we were going to ruin a moment that we had. He shuffled back into his seat and stuffed his seat belt into the holder.

"Where are we off to?" I asked, deciding the moment was over.

"Your home. Is that okay?" he asked.

"Yeah." I needed to see Sara at some point.

We sat in silence for a few minutes as the silent limo flew along the streets of Hollywood.

The driver announced that we had reached my house, so Tristan opened the door and helped me out. He told the driver he would 'only be a moment' so I assumed this was going to be short.

"Hey I'm sorry about today, that we couldn't make this work..." I mumbled after awkwardly stepping out of the car. He shut the door behind him and we slowly made our way to my front door.

"No don't worry about it. It's okay. Some other time?" he smiled as I unlocked the door. I stood in my doorway.

A part of me wanted to invite him in, but another part of me wanted to tell him to leave me forever. I mean, I had just been harassed by a pack of older men – all because of him.

"Bye Mae..." he smiled and scanned my face, looking down to my lips. I wanted to kiss him.

Suddenly, something took over and I stepped away from the doorway, inviting him in. Where was I going with this?

"Can you stay with me, until Sara gets here?" I asked. I didn't want a pack of men with cameras coming after me.

"Sure." As soon as he stepped in, a wave of relief came over me and I shut the door. He looked back at my face, which I assumed had a neutral expression – but I had surprising myself lately so I could have been making googly eyes at him, who knows.

"I'm going to change out of these clothes... The televisions over there, just make yourself at home..." I walked upstairs after leading him to the lounge area.

Once I reached my room I heard the buzz of the television coming from downstairs. I quickly got changed into a big tee shirt and some short shorts. I went to look at myself in the mirror to see the blood on my chin. I quickly fixed it up with some water and a towel.

Tristan turned the channel over as I made my way downstairs, and it appears it was the four p.m. news. I wanted to ignore it, but I couldn't skip the entertainment, because I knew I would be in it. Tristan hadn't noticed me in the room behind him yet. He was focusing on the television as the blonde in a pastel blue dress smiled, nodding that her segment had started. I recognized her as Lindsay from Hollywood News.

"Hello citizens of Hollywood, I come baring important news! Yes she has been identified!" she said as she pumped her fist in happiness.

"Her name is Mae Parker, she's sixteen years old, tall, skinny, brunette and tanned. She's originally from Miami, but is visiting her father in Hollywood for the summer holidays. Now girls, I hate to say it – but I think this may actually be a keeper for young Tristan. After she was in Hollywood central with a friend today, he came in to rescue her... What from? A totally boring hangout time?"

Tristan's lips curved into a small smile.

"Well, now you know her name and her story, so there's only one thing left. For Tristan to announce they're official. But will he? That's the questions on everyone's lips. Back to you in the studio."

Thankfully, they didn't show any photos of me – but I'm guessing they got all their information from Sara. Where else would they have gotten it from?

I let out a soft sniff and Tristan turned towards me as fast as lightning. He saw the down look on my face and leaped off the couch. He ran to me with arms open wide.

"Hey, don't worry about them," he whispered into my ear after he embraced me. I let a heavy tear fall onto his white shirt. I nestled my head into his neck and it felt right. Everything for once felt perfect...

That was – until Sara burst through the door.

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