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When I got home it was around three pm after driving around thinking. "Jeremy!" I shouted as I walked into the house and threw the keys onto the bench. There was no answer.

"Jeremy! You home?" I didn't think much of it, he was probably out with his date. As I shuffled my feet across the timber to the couch, I noticed. There he was, right in front of me. On the floor, surrounded by beer bottles. His face was pale, and if I didn't know any better I would have thought he was dead. His chest rose and fell slowly as a snore erupted from his nose. Just when I thought he was getting better, he got worse.

"JEREMY!" I screamed at him. His eyes shot open, bloodshot of course. His hand raised to his face where he rubbed his forehead.

"What? Why are you screaming at me?"

"Why have you been drinking? I thought you had a date?" I asked, slowly collecting the bottle beside my feet.

"She never showed." He sat and rubbed his eyes with his knuckles.

"So you drank?" I dumped the bottle in the bin and walked back to him.

"No, I only drank one bottle..." his voice faded off as he looked around himself. Clearly it had been more than one.

"You have a problem Jeremy!" I stormed over to the steps and waited for him to reply before I left the room.

"Hey-Hey calm down!" he slowly raised his palm to me but then dropped it. He looked around confused.

"I'm sick and tired of your crap," I hissed under my breath before I walked up to my room. I slammed the door shut and slowly lowered myself to the ground in tears.

It was a few hours before I even dared leave my room. My phone said it was 6:28 and I was getting hungry. I paced back and forth thinking of how I was going to go down there and face Jeremy when I knew I really just wanted to slap him.

I gave in to my hunger and opened the door quietly. I didn't hear any voices or footsteps, so that meant he was either gone or asleep. As I approached the bottom of the steps I scanned the room. He was nowhere to be seen and either were the car keys. My finger felt for the top of my phone to turn it on.

As soon as I clicked the button I sighed. Tristan still hadn't text me to see if I was okay after today. I honestly didn't know how I felt about him-or even the situation I was put in today. Would it be like that every single time we were together?

I shook my head and threw myself down onto the couch, turning on the television. The room was dark and gloomy, but it kept me cool from the raging heat outside.

When I turned to SpongeBob there was a soft knock at the front door. As I walked to open it the knock got louder.

"I'm coming!" I yelled.

The knocks continued.

"What do you wa-"I yelled once I opened the door. Meredith stood in front of me her hand mid-air, preparing to knock again.

"Sorry, I don't know what I was thinking," I said as I opened the door fully and she walked past me and into the house.

"Can I stay here the night?" she asked me, tears forming in her blue eyes.

"Yeah no problem, what's wrong?" I asked, placing my hand onto her shoulder as her head dropped.

"You know when I had the party last week? Yeah well my parents weren't home and ever since that night they have been fighting about the party I had and most of the time my dad doesn't even come home from work. Mom told me today they were getting a divorce," her voice crumbled on the word divorce. I had heard that word too many times.

"I know that right now it probably seems like the end of the world. But trust me I have been through this. Everything is going to be okay."

Instead of talking she raised her head and was silent for a second. She slowly smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck, hugging me. "Thankyou Mae, I'm so glad you're here this summer."

Meredith let go of me and I walked to the kitchen. She walked herself over to the couch and lay down as SpongeBob played in the background.

"Are you hungry?" I yelled through the room to her. She looked towards me and then slowly nodded. I grabbed two of those pre-made meals from the freezer and threw them into the oven. After I closed the oven I walked over to the couch to where Meredith was and sat next to her. I tried to get her mind off of the divorce, so I changed the subject.

"So, have you got a boyfriend?" I asked and noticed my voice was croaky.

She gave me a surprised look and said, "That was really random, but nope. What about you?"

"No," I laughed.

"Surely there is someone you have your eyes on."

"Not really, I haven't been here long enough."

As I said that, she pulled her phone out and started scrolling. Was she bored of me already?

"Okay let's play a game then, I'll show you some people I know on Instagram and tell me if you think they are hot or not. Okay?"

"Uh... I guess," I gasped. I started to feel uncomfortable. Her eyes lit up as she finished typing.

"What about him?" she asked as she held the phone in my face. It was a picture of a tanned boy, brown hair, green eyes and a tongue piercing. He looked around seventeen.

"Hot I guess."

She smiled and typed in another username. She then chucked the phone to the pillow that was sitting in my lap. I picked it up as I saw the profile. Whoever they were they had 2.8 million followers. "You know this person?" I asked, shocked.

"Not in person, but I wish I did."

As I went to click on a picture I noticed the name. Tristan Dawson.

"So do you find him hot or not?" she asked, playfully sitting up and punching me in the arm.

"He's okay..." I lied. I hoped she couldn't tell from the tone of my voice. Who was I kidding? She didn't even know me. As the phone dropped from my hands to hers it vibrated. Once again, her eyes lit up as she read the message.

"Some of my friends want to see me, would it be cool if they came over here?"

"How many?" I asked, checking my phone. 7 o'clock.

"Only eight or nine. It won't be a party I swear. These people are cool," she laughed, winking when she said cool.

"Yeah it should be fine."

"Thankyou Mae, you are literally the best."

I wasn't so sure I was. I was probably the worst actually. The clicking on her phone was fast as she typed away in a group chat.

A/N- Sorry I havent written in a while, been super busy! More coming soon!

FamousTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon