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As I walked upstairs I collected tears from my eyes with my fingertips. I had no idea why I was even crying, Kai didn't even mean that much to me. All I wanted to do was go home.

The blind on my window was still up, exposing my room to the bright sunlight. I had no doubt that it would be hot today so I dressed in light clothes. All I really wanted to do was watch some movies and catch up on some television that I had missed lately. I lifted the bed sheet that was sitting alone on the bed and raised it towards the pillow. I folded it softly into the sides of the bed so that during the night I could rip it back when it got hot. I put my phone on the charger; as it had 16% left. There were no messages, not Meredith, not Jeremy and certainly not Tristan.

I climbed on top of my bed and the cool sheets sent shivers down my spine. I folded my legs under myself and sat cross-legged. Next to me was the bedside table which held my laptop. I lifted it onto the bed in front of my knees and raised the screen. The screen lit up with the word Toshiba in bold red writing.

The screen then went dark and it loaded my background of Sara and I back home. Seeing that photo reminded me of how much I really missed home. It hadn't even been long and I already wanted to go back. I clicked the button on the touchpad when the mouse hovered over the internet.

My homepage loaded onto Google and I knew I was going to regret it but I did it anyway. I guided the mouse over to the search bar and typed Tristan Dawson. It loaded for a few seconds and then the same thing came up that did last time. HQ photos, interviews, gossip articles. All of it. I then went back to the search bar and typed Tristan Dawson Girlfriend.

It took longer than anticipated to load, so I began chewing on my bottom lip. It was a bad habit I really needed to quit.

The screen ahead of me then lit up with articles and edits of girls. Clearly they weren't real, and they were badly edited. I clicked on the videos section and it came up with videos named Tristan Dawson spills all! And who is Tristan Dawson dating? Find out here!

I clicked on the news section next. There was nothing really there except a few edits of him with other celebrities I had seen before. I scrolled down to the bottom of the page to find nothing. I dragged the cursor to the red X that was going to close the page when something caught my eye. Me. A news article, edited 2 minutes ago popped up on my page due to an automatic update. I clicked on the page and one gigantic photo of me appeared with the caption: Who is this 'mystery girl?'

My eyes widened.

The picture of me was unflattering to be honest; I had hands over my face, my eyes looked dark and my hair was brushed over on the wrong side. In the photo Tristan was looking at me with a sad look on his face, his eyes small. I looked over the photos in the articles and then read over what it said. It explained me as Skinny, brunette and hated.

My eyes stopped on the word hated. Why was I hated for just being his friend? That's all that we were, friends. I pressed the backspace key and shook my head as I thought over the lies the article included. When the page loaded it filled with tens of articles of me. All were edited under five minutes ago.

Tears came to my eyes and I scrolled through all the photos of me. Each article wrote something different. A different lie. I slowly lowered the lid on my laptop and dragged my knees up to my chest. A deep feeling filled my stomach and made me feel empty. I lifted my laptop off of my bed and placed it on the bedside table beside me.

My body softly slipped down the bed head and I found myself lying, holding my own body tightly. It was only like eight am and all I wanted to do right now was sleep for an eternity. Ideas came to my mind about what I was going to do today, but as each came I realised I wanted to lie here for a while longer.

After twenty or so minutes of just lying on bed in pure silence, I made my way downstairs. In the kitchen I found a little cardboard box of cornflakes. I opened the little flap and began eating straight from the box. I had to face the fact I would be spending yet another day alone. I started to believe that I would be alone most of the summer. Jeremy was gone. Meredith was with Kai, Kai was with Meredith. And then there was Tristan. The blonde, beautiful boy I had only known for a few days.

The only thing I wanted to do was curl up in bed.

After I finished the cornflakes, I put the small cardboard box into the rubbish bin and then shuffled my feet over to the couch. The room was dark, so when I switched the television on; it illuminated the room. I wanted to stay like this forever, cuddled up to my own limbs. My face was probably the subject of some teenage girl's conversations at the moment, and honestly I didn't want to think about it. The longer I thought about it the sicker I felt.

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