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A/N Sorry but this is sort of like a filler chapter, but wow we're coming up to 10K so fast, I love all you guys x

So this chapter is what the character Sara looks like!

Keep reading and voting, love you all so much

When I woke up the sun was streaming through the open window, birds were chirping and the sun was high in the sky, creating the illusion that it was probably midday. I turned over in my bed, the realization of last night's events hitting me.

It didn't take me long to get up, but when I did I quickly made my way downstairs. The house was warmer than usual, which told me that today would be a rather hot day. When I got to the kitchen I surprisingly saw the whole house open and bright, with Sara standing over the hot oven.

"Well good afternoon to you too!" she said sarcastically, emphasizing on the fact that it was two in the afternoon. I stretched out my arms and looked over the multiple cakes and sweets she had made, that were now set out on the kitchen bench.

"What are you making?" I sleepily said, even though I could clearly see.

"Just some sweets. I think you have some explaining to do about last night!" she giggled before closing the oven. A smile grew on my face. I obviously knew what she was talking about.

"Well yeah, I guess you saw it on television so there's no need to explain!" I laughed and took a bite of a chocolate muffin that was cooling on a rack. She smacked my hand before I quickly shoved some into my mouth.

"I know that part... but what happened afterwards?" she asked, resting her hands on the bench and throwing her apron onto the counter in between the cooling racks of food.

"We left the studio before Alex or anyone saw us and he drove me back here. We haven't really got to talk since, but it wasn't anything interesting."

"Has he messaged you?"

"No he hasn't."

"Are you worried about that?" she asked as I moved over to the television.

"No Sara, I'm not worried. We're dating now so I shouldn't be worried. I've got him for good now."

"I guess that's fair enough, but does it worry you that you both haven't talked since he asked you to be his girlfriend on live television in front of millions?"

"Not really. He'll talk to me when he wants to."

She sat beside me on the couch, but as soon as she did the door rang.

"I wonder who that is," she said with a smirk, and ran to the door. She took a deep breath before opening it.

"Hello T-. Oh."

I turned around and saw Jeremy standing at the door with a set of car keys in his hand. Dark sunglasses covered his eyes.

"It's Sunday," he said firmly. He didn't dare take a step inside the house, instead he just turned the keys in his hands – making the small keyring jingle. He was stating the obvious but what was his point? We knew it was Sunday.

"Mae?" Sara asked and I walked over to them at the door.

"What do you mean Jeremy?" I asked, looking at the man that was my father.

"Sara's flying home today. Don't you two remember, or have you been spending too much time with your celebrity friends?"

"Jeremy don't-"I started but Sara stopped me by running off up to my room. Both of us had obviously forgotten that she was only supposed to be here for a short time.

"Do you want to come inside or...?" I asked, opening the door more for him to come inside.

"I'm only coming here to pick Sara up. I promised her mom I'd take her to the airport safely."

"You don't think that I'm capable of driving her?"

"I wouldn't know. You could be off with your celebrity boyfriend for all I know," he said quietly, but it was loud enough for me to hear.

The silence filled the house and I wasn't sure if I should have replied to him. He was my father but the silence made the whole room feel awkward.

Sara emerged moments later with her full bag, the clothes piling out the edges. We had obviously done too much shopping over the past few days.

Sara leaving made me realize the summer was almost over. There was only three weeks and this had been the craziest summer of my life by far.

"Thanks for having me Mae. I'll see you back at school in three weeks..." Sara said softly and let her voice fade off as she left the room through the front door. Jeremy gave me one hard look before he shut the door behind Sara and himself. The silence was filled with the roaring of his car engine driving down the street and into the inner city.

I found myself bored, and border than I had been in my entire life. Moving from couch to couch, staring at the ceiling to make sense of everything but nothing worked. It was 5 in the afternoon and Tristan still hadn't messaged me.

I was beginning to think that maybe he had slept in and just woken up, then maybe he was too busy for me with his job and all. But then other signs told me maybe he was regretting asking me to be his girlfriend.

I'd been on the couch with the television in the background for house, and it was around 7:30 now. I was constantly scrolling through pointless apps on my phone to try and take my mind off of the world around me. I found the Instagram app on the App Store, and decided maybe now was the perfect time to make an account.

After about half an hour of tossing up what to post for my first post, I took a photo of half my face. I don't think there was enough of my face in it to regard it as a selfie but it might have counted in some people's books. I added a caption of 'how do you work this contraption <3'. As soon as I posted it, I put the phone down and fell asleep in front of the television.

Almost 24 hours later, and still no message from Tristan.

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