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A few hours later, there was a soft knock on the door of my room. I was leaning against the bedframe, trying to keep cool (it was hot outside). I figured it wouldn't be anyone else other than Jeremy, so I just shouted, "it's open!"

The old door creaked as it opened slowly. I turned around to see Jeremy, who surprising looked half cleaned up. He actually looked decent for once.

"Where are you off to?" I asked quietly.

"A job interview..." his voice faded.

"For where?" I asked.

"Somewhere in the city, you wouldn't know where."

"Okay..." The conversation got awkward.

"There's something I forgot to tell you," he cheerfully said. I thought it was just be something stupid.

"What?" I felt like rolling my eyes at his fakeness, but that wouldn't be appropriate at this moment.

"Sara's coming here."

"What do you mean?" I asked shocked. In a way I wanted her here, but there were so many ways I didn't want her here.

"I thought you would want a friend to keep you company while I'm out and stuff. So I called up Sara."

"How did you even get her number?" I asked, suddenly standing up and making my head feel fuzzy.

"Your mother called to check up on you, so I asked her and she told me. She gets here tonight."

"Did you pay for this ticket?" I asked, knowing Sara would have no means of getting her with her own money.

"No, her mother did. Apparently a break would do you both good. Teenage girls, if you know what I mean," he joked with a sly wink. The joke wasn't funny at all. He was basically bagging out every teenage girl. Thinking that we were 'all the same'.

"So she's on the plane now?" I asked. Sara coming here would change everything. Maybe I would never see Tristan again with Sara here. Yes, she was my best friend and we were supposed to do most things together, but this was something I didn't want her to experience with me. I wanted to do this myself for once. I didn't need Sara around for every decent moment in my life.

"Her plane leaves in an hour or so... she'll be here tonight. Are you good to pick her up from the airport tonight?" Jeremy asked as he checked the time on his watch. I was surprised. The whole time I was here I had never seen him wear a watch, or even a buttoned up top – which was a big thing for him.

"What time?" I asked. Maybe I could see Tristan one more time before Sara got here. I had to say goodbye to him at least.

"Around nine."

"Okay." Jeremy began walking out of my room until I shouted, "Wait how long is she here for?"

"A week. Her plane leaves Tuesday night next week! I'll be home later tonight, around ten," he yelled back as he walked down the stairs. His feet made a loud noise when he reached the bottom of the stairs. I ran out of my room and down the stairs after him.

"How am I supposed to get there if you have the car?" I asked, catching my breath at the bottom of the stairs.

"I don't know. You'll find a way," he shrugged. I knew this was too good to be true. With Jeremy, there always had to be a downside.

"Jer!" I yelled, but he had already slammed the door. After a few footsteps I heard the car engine start and he was gone. I shook my head and walked back up the stairs to my room. I didn't want Sara to come – to be honest. I felt like she could possibly ruin things. I liked being alone here. Before I entered my room, I heard my phone vibrating on my bedside table. I quickly jumped to it, to see it was Tristan. Suddenly, I froze. I contemplated ignoring it, but I knew that would be bad.

"Hello?" I asked into the phone.


"What's up?" I asked.

"Nothing really... are you free tonight?"

"Yeah I am... why?" I must admit, the butterflies in my stomach started.

"Come on a date with me," he demanded. It wasn't even a question.

"What?" I asked, kind of shocked he didn't ask.

"Let's go out somewhere."

"Tristan, have you seen the news? The internet? We're everywhere."

"It's not in public. I swear, just you and me this time," I could hear his smile on the end of the line.

"Where?" I asked, confused. I was unsure as to what he was suggesting.

"It's a secret."


"Nope! No questions. I'll pick you up at seven again?" he asked. I quickly thought about Sara and her flight here. Two hours would be enough time, surely. Anyway, if anything went wrong I could just ask him to drop me at the airport – then we could catch the bus home.


"Okay! I'll see you then, wear something casual."

"So it's not a date?" I asked, giggling.

"It's our official second date... see I got it right!" he laughed.

"Okay! I'll see you then."

"Bye Mae..."

"Goodbye Tristan," I laughed before ending the call. I tossed my phone onto the bed sheets and fell down beside it. Every time I talked to him it was like I forgot what I had to tell him. My mind just seemed to avoid it. I shut my eyes tightly. Maybe tonight would be different. Maybe.

I didn't know how to feel anymore, I felt like my head was constantly spinning with thoughts of Tristan, Sara, Jeremy and Tristan again. Sometimes Jeremy made me want to scream. He was never here and don't even get me start on him being my father. There was no way I could actually look up to Jeremy as a 'father figure.' I know he was my biological father, but I never felt close to him – and when I started to feel close to him he would wreck it. Our relationship had never been stable, even from a young age. I felt like I never even knew him. Sara was the same. We had always been close but there is just something that makes me feel we aren't as close as we could be. We have always known each other – for as long as I could remember anyway – but there was just something about her that I didn't get. It's like that type of friendship where you aren't sure if you're their first choice, second choice or not even a choice. I didn't know where I stood with Sara. Sure, I was looking forward to her being here with me, but I didn't want her to get involved with all the Tristan drama. If I didn't want to get involved with it, I was sure I didn't want her in this. That leads to Tristan. There's just something that makes me wonder about him. What is he thinking? How does he feel? What runs through his mind when he sees me? I wish I could say I knew the answer to all of them, but I didn't. We weren't as close as we felt, I guess. Whenever I saw him or even heard his voice it made me forget about all the press, the media – everything. Tristan brought out a side of me I didn't even know I had, in a good way. I hoped I would never forget that.

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