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Tristan had his hand folded on mine in the corner of the table. The five girls introduced themselves. Three of them sat next to me and two next to Tristan.

"When did you guys meet?" one – whose name was Ashley – asked me.

"I think we met around a two weeks ago. On a plane," I laughed. There was a chorus of awww's that came from the girls. Tristan told the story from his point of view of how we met on the plane and then the bus ride afterwards. When I heard it from his point of view I realised how much of a coincidence everything that happened was.

It was around six thirty now. Tristan had ordered all the girls a round of pancakes and us another plate each. When he left to pay, I felt like the girls were going to attack me.

"Just out of curiosity, do you guys hate me?" I asked to break the ice.

"I think some girls do, but we're all cool. I mean once we sat down with you and noticed how real you are, we don't hate you," another girl said.

"Tristan is crazy for you!" one of the girls laughed. I looked at him with his body leaning against the counter.

Even the back of him was attractive.

"You really think so?" I smirked.

"It's obvious how crazy he is for you."

"Are you guys like official or anything?" one asked. I didn't know how much I should say. But if I was going to be liked by the fans I had to be honest.

"I don't know actually. He hasn't asked."

"He will. He adores you, we can all tell." I laughed. Tristan came back and we all looked up to him.

"What?" he laughed. We were all so full from our pancakes that we half laughed.

"We better get going, we all start work at seven!" Ashley groaned. She quickly rolled her eyes and laughed.

That's something I would have said back home.

They all slipped out of the booth seat we crammed into. Tristan stood at the end of the table, resting his credit card between the table and his finger. The five girls pushed their work bags over their shoulders.

"Um, do you mind if we...?" Ashley asked, pulling her phone out of her pocket.

"Sure," he laughed. The girls all got in a group photo with him. The phone was passed to me and I took the picture. I smiled and put my arm out to give the phone to Ashley.

"No, we want one with you too."

I smiled, it felt nice to be included.

Once one of the waitresses took the picture, they all got separate selfies with Tristan and some even invited me in. I was surprised by how welcoming they were.

Ashley stepped aside. "All the best for the fans that are to hate on you. I know we'll all be standing up for you," she smiled.

"It really means a lot, thank-you."

"What's your Instagram?" she asked.

Ahhhhh, that word again.

"I don't have one sadly."

"You should make one, I know plenty of people want to follow you!"

I hugged her tightly before she left with the others. Tristan was typing some usernames in his Twitter of the girls and following them.

"You did really well. I think they liked you," he smiled as he hugged me. His left arm went under my arm and it was a good hug.

"They said I should make an Instagram. Do you think I should?" I asked. I could tell he didn't want me to get hate by the way he hesitated.

"If you want, I mean it would be positive but negative."

We quietly walked out as more customers walked in, mainly the elderly for their breakfast.

"It's nice that you paid for them."

"I'm a gentleman. That's what I do!" he laughed. His warm hand reached out for mine and our fingers intertwined. I cuddled into his muscular, soft arm.

As we walked to his car, I realised something.

"Oh god. I left Jeremy's car at Raw Bite!"


"Yesterday, when you picked me up in the limo, I left Jeremys car there."

We climbed into his car.

"I'll send someone to pick it up. They can always unlock them somehow," he said as he looked over his phone and text a number. Well okay.

I wondered where we were headed now.

"I have to go to a meeting in an hour or so... are you okay if I drop you home?" he asked me. His left hand held mine as he began driving his car. I knew I would have to go to home to face Sara sometime.

Within a while, we were at my house. Jeremy's car had been taken back to his house, thankfully. Tristan left me at the door, even though we could both tell he didn't want to leave.

I walked inside with a smile on my face to see two unfamiliar suitcases and a duffel bag lying beside the lounge room couch.

"Sara?" I called. I couldn't hid the happiness in my voice. I hoped she was leaving early.

"No it's me. Sara's still asleep," Jeremy whispered, emerging from the corner of the room.

"Jeremy, where are you going?" I asked. To be honest I was hurt. How could he leave me here with her?

"Away. Far away."

"What? Are you kidding me? Why?"

He reached over and pulled the duffel over his shoulder. He pulled the two handles out and began wheeling the suitcases towards the door.

"Jeremy?" I murmured.

"Take a look for yourself." He slammed down a newspaper article on the kitchen table and walked past me, not giving me time to read it. I looked down at the article.

Miami Teen Steals The Dawson Show.

And just like that, the door slammed behind me and he was gone.

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