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here's yo baby at his award show

second last part :( should I make another story (#2?) ;););;;);;)

enjoy my friends


The past few weeks had really flown by, and I was finding myself with my head in my school books ninety percent of the time.

It had only been two weeks since I'd seen Tristan, but it felt like two years. It had recently been so hard to keep up with him, seeing we were both in different time schedules and he was sleeping at different times of the day to usual. Three days ago, he was offered a new appearance role in a movie filmed in Sydney for a year, and he wasn't sure if he was taking it.

It was the day of the Teen Movie Awards tonight, and Tristan was up for 6 awards, which was amazing. I was so proud of him and I wanted to be there in New York with him tonight, but I couldn't as it was a Sunday night.

Sara came over at five and I cooked us some dinner before the awards started. Mom and Bruce were going out on a date tonight, so she left some stuff for us to eat.

My mom didn't say much about Tristan, she just said she heard some people talking about me on the cruise, and since she couldn't contact me, she just let it wait out until she got home to ask me. She didn't hate the idea – but she certainly didn't love it. I think she was just happy that I was happy.

The air outside was still thick and warm, so we sat on the couch with the aircon on full.

"How come you didn't cop an invite tonight?" Sara asked, sucking up a thin past noodle.

"It's a Sunday night. We have school, so there's no way I could have gone really."

"That's a boring excuse- "

"SHHHH! It's starting!" I yelled over her, and turned the volume up. Both of us sat up in our seats in front of the television and glued our eyes to the television.

Tristan was up for a total of six awards tonight, and I was hoping he would win at least one – but I knew his chances were low with the people he was up against. We watched most of the awards be called out, until it came to the final two, best debut actress and best debut breakout actor.

This was the one I had a feeling Tristan would be in with a good chance for, as he had only been on the acting scene a year or so, after he crossed over from music.

The house was silent as the screen was split five ways for each person who was nominated. My heart stopped while the silence filled the arena where it was being filmed.

"And the Teen Movie Award goes to..." said the woman as she flipped open the card in her hand, "Tristan Dawson for his debut breakout role in 'The Runaways.'"

I stood up and screamed, as did Sara. My boy won his first ever acting award and I could not have been prouder. I felt like the applause in the arena wasn't loud enough. If only I was there to experience this moment.

Tristan gave some directors handshakes and hugs as he made his way up to the stage, where he was handed a gold award in the shape of a giant T. Joy rose to his face as he looked over the trophy in his hand, glancing at his achievement.

"Thankyou. Thankyou. Please everyone, take your seats," he softly said.

He started with clearing his throat.

"Ten weeks ago, at the beginning of the summer – cameras were obviously drawn to my attention when something new and incredible happened in my life. It's amazing really. I find myself thinking back to memories when we used to dance under the stars, or listening to each other's heart beats. Some of the greatest things in our lives can be lost so easily, and I thought those moments would last forever, but now we're in the beginning of autumn, and they certainly haven't. I miss being able to make faces at some fangirls that I meet at Denny's at six in the morning."

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