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I woke up the next morning with the best feeling all summer. I didn't know how things would turn out between Tristan and I, but whatever the outcome was I would be happy. I looked at my phone. It was nine a.m.

"Mae!" A voice yelled from down the stairs. I struggled to get myself out of bed, but I did. When I got downstairs there was a surprise waiting for me. Jeremy.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I've been out a lot lately, and I wanted to spend some time with you." As I walked around him to the kitchen sink I smelt whiskey on his breath.

"Have you been drinking?" I asked him, stopping him from walking. His eyes looked into mine happily, then they turned fierce. He was angry.

"You don't know anything..." his voice faded off and it was slurred.

"Jeremy. You are my father, you are supposed to look after me! Not the other way around."

He stared at me, speechless. I had never spoken like that to him before. He pointed his finger at me and opened his mouth to speak, but shut it immediately. He turned on the heel of his foot and ran up the stairs.

He seemed drunk, but he was able to run perfectly. I rolled my eyes at him and followed him up the stairs.

He walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I walked into my room and made my bed. I picked up my laptop off the shelf and put it on my bed, turning it on. I was still remembering last night, and how perfect everything was. Once my laptop was ready I search him up.

I typed in 'Tristan Dawson' and before my eyes millions of articles came up. I clicked on images. There were so many pictures of him and so many interviews that girls had uploaded to the internet. He was so good looking. Spikey blonde hair with piercing blue eyes, I couldn't forget him.

My phone vibrated and a message came through. It was him. I didn't want to reply instantly so I kept scrolling through photos of him. I clicked on somebody's Tumblr page and saw all these photos of him, on stage performing. He was in a tank top and jeans. They really suited him, and I could see them on him all day. I decided to reply to his text.

Tristan- Do you want to grab some lunch?

I quickly replied, writing Sure... where and what time?

I was surprised by how fast he replied to me.

T-Raw Bite? I know it's un-original but there is really no other place.

M- Yeah I would really like that :)

T- See you at eleven?

M- Okay, see you there.

T- :) :)

I don't know why he sent the last text, but I didn't reply anyways. I heard Jeremy coughing in the shower. The longer he drunk the sicker he was getting.

I had to get dressed, and I had to get dressed perfectly. My 'lunch date' would be soon and I had to look perfect. I put on a black bra with a yellow tank top and some faded blue denim shorts. I went downstairs and opened the front door to feel them temperature.

It was boiling for nine thirty. I walked back inside and looked at myself in the mirror. I really hated my short legs. They just didn't look normal. This summer I really had to run and lose some weight in them before I go back for senior year. I heard the shower stop upstairs and the glass door made a loud noise, making me shudder.

As I walked over to the couch, I grabbed the television remote and switched it on. During the summer, they only had re-runs of old movies and shows that I used to watch as a kid. I lay down on the couch and turned it over to a movie.

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