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Heres a lovely photo of Tristan

Thankyou so much for 20k guys These next few chapters will have major feels :)



I was laying on the couch around 8pm when there was a knock on the front door. I didn't know what to expect, I was leaving in 24 hours – so I didn't know who would be here at this time.

Over the past few days I hadn't heard from Tristan at all. I was assuming we were over and that he had just moved on with Olivia... that was what he wanted anyways.

I climbed off the couch and walked to the door. I quickly brushed my messed up hair down before opening the door. I swung it open to see a smiling Meredith ahead of me.

"Hey you!" she smiled. She was way too happy for a back to school student. She should be miserable.

"What's up?" I asked, inviting her in, but she stopped before walking in.

"You know, lets change it up. You leave tomorrow, let's just go for a night on the town."

"Meredith, we're sixteen."

"Well yeah, but c'mon I'm seventeen soon. Let's just go for a drive then."

"Where to?" I asked.



"Mae come onnnnnn! You leave tomorrow, let's just spend some time together! You never know when you might get this chance again."

"How long will we be?" I asked.

"Like one hour, tops."


"Mae, you can't be serious. We won't be long at all!"

I didn't really want to go, I knew wherever she was taking me I'd probably get seen by someone and photographed looking horrible. I just hated going out in public ever since Tristan left.

"Okay, if you say so!" I smiled for the first time since she arrived. We walked out to her car in the court. I made sure I locked up the house before we went.

"So where are you taking me?" I asked, pulling my seatbelt over my body.

"I don't know, let's just go driving for a bit."

She drove down the court and we floated around the main roads for a bit, we were talking a bit on the way about how senior year was going for her already. She took me down some streets I hadn't been down before.

But something was missing.

Tristan was missing. These were the roads he normally took me down.

No Mae, stop. He has moved on. So can you.

She turned down a street that I had seen before, but I couldn't remember where I had seen it. It just seemed really familiar.

"Where does this street lead to?" I asked, and she didn't answer. Suddenly, she drove over a bump and we were on grass now. She clicked off the headlights of the car and I reached out for the wheel.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked, gripping onto the wheel so we wouldn't move.

"Mae, just let go."

I let go of the wheel and noticed that we weren't even moving. The car was stationary.

"Where are we?"

Still no answer.

"Meredith!" I yelled "Where are we?" I felt like crying, she was being extremely strange.

"Get out."

"What?" I cried, "We're in the middle of nowhere!" I looked around and could see the Hollywood city lights in the distance behind us.

"Mae!" she cried, "Trust me, just get out of the car. Stop being so stubborn for once in your life."

I looked at her in disbelief as I reached for the car door. Was this an elaborate plan for her to ditch me in the middle of nowhere?

No, she wouldn't do that to me. Would she?

I scanned her face, and I could tell she didn't look mad or anything. She looked nervous – if that. There was no legitimate reason for her to leave me here.

I grabbed the door handle and pulled it, the door clicking out of place. I slowly climbed out into the car and felt the crisp night air. Since summer was nearly over, it was beginning to get colder at night.

I was fully out of the car now, and I was submerged in darkness. I took a deep breath and stood in the dark, looking like an idiot.

In the corner of my eye, a string of lights to the left flickered on. They were gold colored and glowing bright. They were sort of fairy lights, or lanterns I guess.

Connected to them, a string the same color lit up in the same color and before I knew it, the lanterns turned on in a circle, one by one until they created a border of the field in front of me.

It was a rather small area, and when I stepped back to touch the bonnet of the car, I noticed that Meredith had in fact gone.

I looked around, now that it wasn't as dark but I couldn't see anything.

I began to get scared. Nervous. Anxious. What was I doing here?

All of a sudden, a massive light turned on in front of me, or so I thought.

A tall, bright white cinema screen turned on, making me shield my eyes from the white brightness that was lingering in front of me.

"Hello?" I called "If this is a sick joke you can cut it out!" My heart was beating a million miles an hour.

I moved my hand from my eyes and noticed there was a bar stool sitting in the middle of the grassed area.

The light wasn't as bright now and it was slowly dimming. The screen flickered and then it went black again, leaving the lanterns to shine alone.

Then a second later, it came back on, and there was someone sitting on the stool with a guitar nervously shaking in their hand.

I squinted my eyes, as the white screen from behind practically blinded my vision and I couldn't see that far to see who the face was.

But I noticed the hair, the small flecks of blonde flowing from his face.

The hair that was all too familiar.


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