How You Make Up

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The final bell rung for the school year as you put down your pencil. You turned in your last test. You should have felt happy about being done for the year but in all honesty you had felt right since you and Pony had fought. You hadn't seen him around much. The closest you'd been to him was during your English 'final and than you'd left as soon as the class was over. On one hand you were so angry at Pony for what he'd said but on the other you missed him more than you'd ever missed anyone. You just didn't feel whole without him.

You were cleaning out your locker when you felt someone tap your shoulder.


"Yeah?" You responded not turning around. You didn't think you could look at Pony right now. Not without bursting into tears at least.  You heard him sigh.

"Can you look at me, please? I have something I really need to say." You closed your eyes and slowly turned around. He took your hand gently and started to rub the back of it gently with his thumb. "I... I don't really know what to say to make this better but I'm sorry. I was stressed and I... I took it out on  you. I shouldn't have."

"You called me a whore, Pony," you said pulling your hand away from his.

"I have never regretted anything more. (Y/N), you have to understand that this had been the worst week of my life and I know that it's because I haven't had you by my side. I'm so sorry for everything I said But (Y/N) I can't be without you. I love you too much to even try."

"You love me?" You said cutting him off. He'd been staring at the ground the whole time he'd been talking but when you spoke his head shot up in surprise.

"More than anything in the world," He said with finality. You couldn't fight the grin that spread across your face. 

"I love you too," You said before pulling him into you. You covered his mouth with yours. He didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around you. When you two pulled apart Pony was panting  slightly but smiling widely.

"Am I forgiven?" He asked tenatively.

"Yes," you said lauging, "But you ever say something like that to me again and it won't be pretty.".

It'd been a few days since you'd talked to Dallas. You knew he'd stopped by the house a few times and that he had called. You'd been using Keith as a buffer between the two of you. He'd managed to keep Dallas away from you. Keith was actually pretty pissed at Dally for hurting you. Which he had as much as you hated to admit it. You despised that you actually kind of loved him. You knew better than that. It was about one in the morning and you were laying in bed trying to fall asleep. You'd been trying to read to get your mindo off of Dally. You heard a tapping on you window that distracted you.

"(Y/N)!" A voice shouted. You got up to investigate and were surprised at who you saw standing out in the cold. "(Y/N)! Open the window! Dammit!"

"What the fuck do you want?!" You snapped as you slid the window open. Dally stood there for a second scuffing the ground with his boot. "Dallas I'm not going to stand here with my window open all night."

"Dammit, (Y/N). I don't know what I'm supposed to say, okay? I've never done this before," He said.

"Done what, Dally?" You asked starting to get confused.

"I've never had to apologize  to a girl before, okay?" He snapped. He stopped himself though and huffed out a sigh. "Look, yeah I fucked Jane when we were going. But it shouldn't matter!"

"You think that it shouldn't matter that you cheated on me?" You said incrediously.

"No," He said sounding frustrated. "I mean it shouldn't matter to me! I can't eat. I can't sleep. I can't even smoke a god damn cigarette without thinking about those stupid smoke rings you blow. I've cheated before and its never been like this. Its not supposed to hurt when you break up with me and yet here I am standing in the middle of the night trying... trying to say I'm sorry. "

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