He Hits You

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A/N: Just so everyone knows domestic violence is not something to be taken lightly. It's never okay even if it's an accident and forgiveness is never owed to the person hitting EVER.
"Will you just calm down?" you asked, Pony as he paced back and forth in your living room. His face was beet red and you knew he was dangerously close to exploding. You were standing behind him and reached out to touch his shoulder. "Pony-"
You didn't even register the hit until you were on the floor. You must have hit your head on the way down because your temple was throbbing. By the time you brought your eyes up to him the tears were already spilling down your face. He was on the other side of the room staring at you with wide eyes.
"(Y/N)..." He started. You just held up your hand, silencing him.
"Get out," you whispered. He didn't move. "I said GET OUT!"
Your scream startled him and he started to move forward. He stopped when you flinched. He turned on his heels and left, leaving you to pick up the pieces.
"Oh? I'm the whore? Mr. Ten thousand girls? The one night stand king?" you hissed. The pair of you were walking to the lot fighting, something that seemed to be happening a lot. They hadn't escalated yet but there were a few close calls.
"Don't you fucking call me that! We all know you spread your legs for anyone. Anyone and everyone." Dallas said, stopping and turning to look at you. The pair of you faced each other, an inch between your faces. "Don't even try to pretend you're some angle. You slept with Tim and we all know it."
"And what if I did? What than Dallas? What if I let Tim Shepard fuck me? What are you going to do?" you said. He slapped you before he thought about it. He didn't even get a chance to do anything when he was tackled to the ground. You were still holding your cheek staring as Two began to beat the shit out of Dallas. Johnny wrapped his arm around you and startled you out of your stupor. You began to sob and sob. "I didn't mean it. I didn't mean it. I'm sorry. I didn't sleep with him, Dallas! I'm so sorry!"
Johnny and Pony had to drag you away from the situation while Darry and Soda had to pull Two off of Dallas.
"You ever fucking touch my cousin again, I'll kill you, Dallas Winston!" Two screamed.
He was exhausted and stressed and angry. Just so damn angry. His hours had been cut and Pony was being difficult. He was pacing the kitchen with a bottle in his hand. You had just gotten home and he wasn't sure how to tell you what was wrong.
"Hey, babe. What's up?" you asked as you walked into the kitchen. You looked around the kitchen. "Did you not cook dinner?"
"No. I didn't cook dinner tonight, (Y/N)," he growled.
"Okay, it's just you said you'd cook tonight. So I didn't have to," you said a little annoyed.
"Well I didn't do it so just let it go."
"Why are you so upset?"
"I'm not."
"Darry-" you started but he exploded.
"Just shut up!" He screamed and his hand flew out. It connected to your cheek with a sickening noise. The noise was followed by absolute silence as the two of you stared at each other.
"I should- I should go," you said and turned to start walking out. Darry started to follow you but you held up your hand. "No. Just, just stay there. I'm going to stay with my mom tonight and I'll... uhh... I'll call you in the morning."
You all but sprinted out the door. Darry stared at the door before swearing as loud as he could and throwing the beer bottle he'd been holding his other hand across the room.
"Why is she writing you letters, Soda?" you asked. Soda had come home drunk and just wanted to go to sleep but you were pissed off and wanted to fight. A letter from Sandy had come in the mail and you wanted to know why his ex-girlfriend was writing him.
"Does it matter? She probably just wants to say hi," Soda slurred. "My god! Why are your panties all in a bunch?!"
"It kind of does, actually! I want to know why after so long she's just decided to reach out to you. I don't think that's so irrational."
"Do you ever stop talking?!" he shouted.
"You are being such a dick!" you retorted. Soda slapped you with a crack.
"Don't call me that, bitch!" he shouted. You didn't say another word, just turned and left the house. He passed out less than a minute later, not knowing that he'd just thrown his life away.
You and Steve had been on the rocks lately. You hadn't actually had a conversation that didn't end in a fight in almost a month. Today was no different. You had been fighting all day and frankly you were sick of it.
"I think we should take some space," you said.
"What?" Steve asked, looking shocked.
"I think you and I need to not see each other for a while," you said. You nodded making your choice. You picked up your bag and started to walk past him. Steve grabbed your arm and yanked you back. You cried out.
"You don't get to just walk out without me saying anything," he growled. You tried to pull your arm away but he only tightened his grip.
"You're hurting me, Steve!" you cried. Steve let go immediately. You shook your head. "This is why we're not a good idea right now. Do you see?"
"I don't know what to say right now," Steve said.
"Neither do I," you said before you turned and left.
"I think it's stuck," Johnny said and you had to laugh. A full belly laugh that escalated to tears running down your face. "This isn't funny, (Y/N)."
"It's a little funny," you said, blushing as the situation began to really set in. "Should we call someone?"
"No!" Johnny said. "I mean what would we say? Hey Dally! (Y/N) and I were hooking up and now the condom is stuck in (Y/N)! What should we do, buddy?"
"It's not a bad idea..." you said shrugging.
"Let me try to get it out one more time," he said ducking back down. You quit laughing and started to blush. He braced his hand on your stomach but it slipped flying up and hitting you strait in the nose.
"Shit!" you said, your hand going to cradle your nose. Instantly Johnny was there trying to check out your nose. It was bleeding a little bit.
"I'm so sorry! Are you okay?' He asked.
"It's fine. I'm okay, I think," you said, blinking back tears. You offered him a grin and started to laugh again. This time Johnny joined in the laughter until both of you were crying again. When the laughter settled down Johnny offered you his signature sweet grin.
"I love you, (Y/N)," he said kissing you softly.
"I love you too," you said. You waited a moment before asking, "Did you at least get it out?"
He wasn't drunk and that was perhaps the scariest part to you. With Two you knew there was a chance that he would get violent when he was drunk but you never expected him to hit you while he was sober. It had all happened so fast. You couldn't even remember what you were fighting about. All you knew was Two had been really angry and suddenly he sounded just like your dad. He'd swung and caught you in the chin. Your lip had busted and was still leaking blood. You had locked yourself in the bathroom on Two's house. You were sitting in the bathtub, too afraid to look in a mirror. You didn't want to see the bruise or the tears. Two had said he would never let anyone hurt you. You were so sure you'd never be back to hiding bruises and tear tracks. And yet here you were. A banging on the door made you jump.
"(Y/N)?" Two called from the other side of the door. "Can you open the door, please? I'm so sorry. Just open the door so we can talk. Babe, come on."
You didn't reply. You just stayed in the bathtub with the shower curtain pulled, hoping you could hide for just a little longer.

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