Sk8tr Boi

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A/N: I'm sort of loving these preferences based on songs. They're easy and cute to write. I'm working on a single dad preference but it's going kind of slowly(no ideas for Pony, Steve, or Two) so I thought I'd fiddle with this to try to get past writers block. This is a hundred percent not my greatest work. Sorry :(

Pony: (Part 2 to Uptown girl) Five years from now, she sits at home feeding the baby. She's all alone.

After Pony you'd just let your father do whatever he wanted. He forced you into marrying some son of one of his business associates. The wedding had been more about networking than love. You both knew this was a business marriage but still you tried to make it work. You had a kid thinking that it would make things better but it hadn't. Six months after your daughter had been born your husband took off with his secretary. He was gone for a month when the divorce papers appeared stating he didn't want custody. You'd signed them without much feeling. Your father had been furious and your mother had nearly drowned in her guilt. If only she'd stood up for you and Pony. Maybe you wouldn't be all alone in that big house.

You were trying to move past everything that had happened. There was a leak in your roof that you had no hopes of fixing by yourself. You'd called a roofing company to come fix it hoping that they would be at least a little quiet so that your daughter Rose could nap. She was a light sleeper and at nine months old getting her down for a nap was a miracle. Rose had just fallen asleep when there was a pounding on the door. You knew that it was one of the roofers. You just didn't expect one of the roofers to be Pony. There had been a stunned silence as you stared at each other. You invited him in to talk and suddenly it was like you were sixteen all over again. Even five years later you and Pony still clicked like two gears finding each other. From there it was easy to fall in love with Pony again. Mostly because you never really stopped loving him. He was great with Rose and treated you with so much care. You didn't hesitate to accept when Pony proposed to you only two weeks after your reconciliation. And this time your mom did stand up to you father. There would be no stopping you and Pony's happy ending.

Dallas: And all of her friends stuck up their nose. They had a problem with his baggy clothes.

All you're friends had warned you to stay away from Dallas Winston. He was trouble. Big trouble. Just look at the way he dressed. Baggy shirts and greasy hair. He was no good. That was what they said anyway. But you were drawn to him like a moth to a flame. You couldn't resist his charm and humor. Dallas was drawn to you as well. He loved how you looked like the good girl but really on the inside you were bad to the bone. You liked to sneak out and smoked like a chimney. Dally thought it was funny to go watch you at lunch with all your snobby friends and then honk his horn. They're faces were the best when you'd come running to him and kiss him in a less than innocent manner.

But then you got pregnant. You were scared that you would prove your friends right. They were all absolutely certain that he would leave you before the word baby even left your mouth. Dallas wasn't the father type. He was the fun hook-up playing with a rich girl type. All your friends had practically sewed it into your head that he would never want the baby. Not even a little bit. That was what in the end drove you to the train station with your ticket to Houston.

Darry(Part 2 of Uptown Girl):  She turns on TV and guess who she sees? Skater boy rockin' up MTV.

You hadn't thought about Darrel Curtis in a very long time. You remembered him from high school. You had the worst crush on him ever. You thought he liked you back but he never did anything about it. You and he graduated and went your separate ways. You hadn't thought about Darry in a long time so imagine your surprise when you turned on the TV to see Darry taking up your screen in a bright and colorful football uniform. Darry had been drafted into the NFL and was making six figures a year now. His team was on their way to the super bowl and Darry was leading the charge. You kept tabs on Darry from time to time after finding out about him and his recent fame but you didn't really pay that much attention to him. You had other things going on that required your attention.

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