Face Down

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Pony: Hey girl you know you drive me crazy/ One look puts the rhythm in my hand

Pony was in love with you. He always had been. Since the first day of kindergarten when you were in pigtails and didn't want to go out to recess. You wanted to stay inside and draw and all the other kids made fun of you. Pony stayed with you to draw too. It started out as friendship. You two were glued at the hip. But your friendship turned to something more in seventh grade when Pony finally got the courage to ask you to the winter dance. You two were the cutest couple from then on. When senior prom rolled around Pony wanted to make it special. You were working on a project when it came to Pony. He saw how beautiful you were and suddenly there was a song in him. He spent weeks on it, calling in advice from everyone, and making sure it was perfect.  

When prom rolled around you and Pony were amazing . You two were a hundred percent the perfect couple. But when it came time to announce prom king and queen you couldn't find Pony. But suddenly the band quit playing and you looked up. Pony stood on the stage with a nervous smile on his face and a guitar in his hand. He looked directly at you and started to play. The song flowed out of him and it was true poetry. By the time the song ended everyone in the room had a tear in their eye. Then Pony put the guitar down and got down on one knee. The ring he held in his hands was simple but beautiful. It was the start of your fairytale. 

Dallas: Do you feel like a man/ When you push her around?

Another night at the bar and there she was again. For the past two weeks, every night Dallas had seen this mysterious girl at the end of the bar. Every night he went over and talked to her and every night he fell in love with her. But every night Dallas went home alone because just before he could ask her to come home with him, her boyfriend shows up with a too tight grip and some harsh, whispered words. Tonight though she kept her sunglasses on and Dallas knew what had happened. It made his blood boil. So as per routine he brought a beer over to her and they started to talk. But this time when her boyfriend showed up Dallas didn't let him just drag her away. Instead he decked him in the eye. 

"Do you feel like a big boy, hitting her? Huh? Big old man hitting a girl half his size?" Dallas hissed. The rest of the guys in the bar took notice and started to crowd around. The people of Buck's didn't take kindly to men who hit women. So your boyfriend stood up and high tailed it out of there. You stood there with wide eyes. Dallas turned and stuck out his hand towards you. "You know, I never got your name." 

You gave him a small smile, "I'm (Y/N). It's nice to meet you."

Darry: Face down in the dirt,/She said, "This doesn't hurt."

"I told you, Darry, it doesn't hurt," you said as Darry tried to hand you an ice pack for your black eye.  

"Whatever. You know, when he showed up here, he made it seem like you kicked him out. Just because he's my best friend doesn't mean I'm going to protect him and pretend he didn't do that," Darry nearly shouted. 

"It's not like that, Darry. It was an accident," you said staring at the kitchen table. There was a long silence between the two of you. 

"I wish you'd said yes," Darry said after a moment. "I wish you had said yes all those years ago. I really do." 

"Me too, Darry. Me too," you replied. Just then Dallas appeared in the kitchen. He was hung over and looked guilty. You stood up and walked towards him. You hugged him and Dallas smiled at you. 

"I'm sorry baby. It won't happen again. I promise," Dallas muttered as Darry stared on with a knife in his chest. 

"It doesn't even hurt anymore," You said glancing over at Darry one last time. "Now, let's get you home." 

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