The Socs Get You

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He felt like it was his fault. It had happened while you were walking home from his house. You hadn't gotten very far when a whole car full of them pulled up along side you. They'd offered you a ride but you refused. That was when they got out of the car. Thankfully Soda had been walking home from the DX at the same time. He'd broken up the fight and carried you home. Pony felt his whole world fall apart when Soda carried you through the door. He sobbed when he saw you laying on the couch with your bruised face. You'd told him again and again that it wasn't his fault. How could he have known that was going to happen? But Pony was stubborn as hell. He refused to believe anything you said and promised that he'd get those socs. They weren't going to get away with hurting his baby. Pony and Soda both wanted to go out that night to go find them. You'd begged them not to.

"Pony, just come lay down with me. That's what's going to make me feel better,"You said as you laid on your side on the couch. Pony's face softened and he let out a heavy sigh before he nodded. He climbed behind you so that he was between you and the couch. He wrapped his arms around you and pressed a kiss into your hair, promising to never let you get hurt again.

Dally had been in the cooler when it happened. The cops had broken up a fight between him and a soc. They put him in just for the night but that was enough time for the Soc's buddies to go after Dally's one weakness, you. The first thing Dally did when they let him out was head over to Two's house. Two opened the door with a grim expression.

"I'll take you to her," Two said as he stepped outside and closed the frnt door. The drive to the hospital had been silent. Dally was trying not to panic and hold himself together. He couldn't lose you. You were the one thing that was holding him together. You kept him grounded. Without you Dally had nothing left to lose. Two stayed outside your room when Dally walked in. The sight of you looking so tiny in the hospital bed with a black and blue face triggered the first tear. The cast on your leg and IV in your arm brought the rest of the tears. You tried to smile at Dally and wave him over but it hurt too much to move. Dally pulled up a chair next to your head. He brushed the hair off your forehead and let the tears fall.

"I'm so sorry, baby doll. This is all my fault," He said as he rested his head on the pillow next to your face. He looked so vunerable. "I shoulda been there. Should've protected you.But I'm here now and nothin' ain't ever gonna hurt you again. I promise."

He kissed your forehead careful of the bruise on your temple.

"I love you too much to lose you," He whispered into your skin.

Darry was packing up his football gear when he noticed that you hadn't been in the bleachers like you usually were when he had practice. With a frown he finished packing his stuff in a hurry. He remembered you had told him that you were tutoring someone for a little bit after school but that you would be done before practice was over. He started through the halls trying to see if you were at your locker or still in the class. He'd just turned the corner to the hallway where your locker was when he saw a group of guys surrounding a person on the floor. They were standing right where your locker was. He sprinted towards the group hoping that his thoughts were wrong and it wasn't you on the floor. He saw one of the socs start to undo his belt buckle. Darry tackled him first. Fists flew and it was a matter of seconds before the group of socs took off. You were curled up into a ball pressed against the wall with your hands covering your face. Darry carefully reached out to you but pulled his hand back when you flinched and whimpered.

"(Y/N), it's okay. It's me Darry, babe. I got you. You're safe now," He said softly. He smiled when you pulled youur hands away from your face. You immeadately scrambled towards him. Once you were in his arms he held you closely stroking your hair and whispering sweet nothings into your ear.

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