When He Cheats...

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It was like you couldn't breath. You didn't even know what to think. This situation seemed so impossible to you. Hadn't it just been two days ago that Pony had told you he loved you? Or had you stepped into some kind of awful alternate universe? You blinked to make sure that you were seeing things right. Pony was actually asleep in bed with another girl. You started to back out of the room but you bumped into his desk and knocked over the stack of books he had there. The loud noise startled the both of them awake. You watched as Pony's eyes widened when he saw you standing there. 

"(Y/N)," he started but you just kept backing out of the room. Eventually you just turned and flat out ran. You ran out of his house and down the street. You didn't stop until you were at the lot. You stopped in the middle of it and tried to catch your breath. But you couldn't. Your heart was racing almost as face as your mind. You couldn't stop seeing Pony and that girl over and over again. It just wouldn't stop playing in your head. Every time you closed your eyes you saw it all over again. You kept trying to catch your breath but it just wouldn't come. Your world started to spin and your stomach lurched. How could he do this you? You two were in love. It was supposed to be for the long term. That's what Pony had always promised you. Forever and always. But now your world was crashing down... literally. You couldn't stop hyperventilating. Your world darkened and you the last thing you saw was the ground coming to greet you. Even as you lost consciousness you still, stupidly, hoped that Pony would be the one to find you. 


The thing was that you weren't surprised when it happened. And that was why it effected Dallas so much. He was used to his girlfriends yelling and swearing at him when they caught him. But when you walked in and caught him you just shrugged and informed him that you just needed to grab your jacket. Once you had walked out Dallas felt off. He kicked the girl he'd been with out and holed up for the rest of the day. You didn't say anything about it afterwards. You didn't mention it or fight him on it. 

Dallas couldn't shake it though. Every time he saw all he could see was the disappointed acceptance in your eyes. Like you knew Dallas was going to let you down. It was just a matter of when, not if. It drove him nuts. He wanted to say something but he didn't know what to say. How could he be mad at you for not being mad at him? It didn't make any sense. So he got hammered and confronted you like any smart person would do. 

"What the fuck, (Y/N)?" he asked as he stood in front of you swaying slightly. You had been in bed reading when he walked in. You looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. 

"What?" you asked. 

"What the fuck? That's what I mean. Why haven't you yelled at me, yet? I mean you caught me fucking some other girl and you haven't said anything. What's wrong with you? Normal girls usually yell at me and then they break up with me. So what the fuck is wrong with you since you haven't broken up with me?" 

"You want me to break up with you?" you asked. 

"No! I want you to yell at me for cheating on you! That's what normal people do!" 

"Dallas," you sighed. "I knew when I started going out with you that you were going to cheat on me. It's in your nature. You can't yell at a tiger for having stripes." 

"You think that lowly of me? Really? You think I'm such scum that you expected me to cheat?"

"You didn't exactly prove me wrong, Dallas." 

"Well, it's fucked up, (y/N). Real fucked up." 

"I'm sorry, Dallas," you said. "I'm sorry that our relationship is so fucked up. But what did you expect? Dallas Winston have a successful, healthy relationship? It's never happened. I'm not trying to be mean here but we're both fucked up and that means a fucked up relationship. But if you're not happy in this relationship then we should end it."

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