I'm Pregnant...

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You had been acting funny for the past couple of days. You had been super tired and throwing up on the hour. You were absolutely miserable and you knew why but Pony was worried. He thought you might have the stomach flu or something. You had been hesitant to tell him. This could ruin everything. You were scared, terrified really. What if Pony didn't want it? What if he left you? You couldn't be a single mother. You weren't ready.

"Pony, you can go home. You don't have to stay here while I lay aroung and throw up," you said as your stomach rolled again. You had a bucket by the side of your bed and you really didn't want to have to use it, again.

"Are you kidding me, (Y/N)? I ain't going anywhere. I'm not leaving your side until you feel better," Pony said while he brushed a piece of hair out of your face. "To be perfectly honest,, I probably won't leave even once you get better."

"Pony?" You said after a moment of silence. It was than that you knew you were being silly. Pony would support you no matter what. "I have something I need to tell you."

"What's up, doll?" He asked. He noticed that way you'd gotten more serious. You had been laying on the bed and Pony had been sitting at the end of the bed. He moved to the head of the bed and pulled you into his arms. He rested his chin on top of your head.

"I'm... uhh... I"m pregnant, Pony," You finally managed to get out. Things were quiet and still for a moment. His silence made you nervous. You could feel tears pricking your eyes.  "Pony, say something. You're scaring me, please."

"I'm going to be a dad?" Pony said. You could hear the smile in his voice. Pony shifted so he was leaning over you. He had a huge grin on his face.  The smile was contagious. "I'm gonna be a dad? Holy shit! I'm going to be a dad! Do you have any idea what this means, (Y/N)?"

"Do you? I mean this is a person we're talking about here. This is a big deal," You said with worry present in your face.

"I know this is a big deal but just picture it. You and me and we'll be a family. A real honest family. I mean, yeah, it's gonna be difficult and I don't know what exactly we're going to do about everything but," Pony said as he paused for a second to think. "But I love you, (Y/N) and I can't imagine anything better than you and me and a baby. This is fantastic."


You had be avoiding Dally for almost three weeks, now. Dally always talked about he 'never wanted kids. They were too much work, too loud, too messy, too much of everything. There was no way he'd want this baby. He'd probably deny that it was his.  That wasn't something you could deal with.  That was why you were standing at the train station clutching a ticket to Houston. You had an aunt out there that you were going to stay with. She had money and a spare bed for you to sleep in. The train would be here any minute and you just wanted to leave before you changed your mind. You couldn't stay here when you knew Dally would be there not wanting you or the baby. You heard foot steps moving really quickly towards you.

"(Y/N)!" You heard a voice shout. You looked over your shoulder and saw Dally rushing towards you. You were tempted to run. Whether you were going to run to him or away you hadn't decided yet. So you just stayed where you were. As Dally got closer you could see he looked pale with bags under his eyes.

"Dally what are you doing here?" You asked pulling your jacket a bit closer around your body. You had begun to show just the tiniest bit.

"Me? What am I doing? I should be the one asking that question. You're just gonna skip town on me with no explanation?" He all but shouted at you. You flinched as he did so. You'd been extra hormonal lately. "I mean seriously, (Y/N). Why would you do this?"

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