Marry Me

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She wants to get married, she wants it perfect
She wants her grandaddy preaching the service
Yeah, she wants magnolias out in the country

You and Pony had been together for five years. You'd survived high school and your lives were finally starting for real. But there was a problem... Pony knew that you wanted to get married. He did too. There was no doubt in his mind that he wanted to be your husband more than anything. He'd give anything to see you walking down the aisle in a white dress. But weddings were expensive. He knew the kind of wedding you wanted would cost more than he had. He'd found your stash of wedding magazines with all the pages bookmarked with dresses and flowers and arrangements. It broke his heart because he couldn't give you that. While he knew that you would be fine with a justice of the peace and a courthouse wedding. But he didn't want you to be fine. He wanted you to be ecstatic and have everything you could've wanted. He refused to let you compromise on something that was clearly so important to you. He wouldn't let you. So, he was working and saving and scraping every last cent together. And only when he had enough money to give you your dream wedding would he propose. But that meant waiting. And you were getting tired of waiting. The longer he avoided asking you, the longer he put it off, the more you started to doubt. You began to wonder if Pony really wanted you. You wanted to take that next step so badly. But you didn't know if Pony wanted to. Every time you brought it up, he changed the subject and it was wearing on you. Pony couldn't explain why he had to wait until he had enough money. Maybe it was because he was embarrassed that he didn't have enough money to treat you like the princess you were because if he couldn't give you the wedding of your dreams how was he supposed to provide for you for the rest of your lives? So, he was waiting... He just hoped you would too.


I'll wear my black suit, black tie, hide out in the back
I'll do a strong shot of whiskey straight out the flask
I'll try to make it through without crying so nobody sees

Dally had been surprised he even owned a suit. It had been buried in the back of his closet. It barely fit but he didn't think anyone would notice. Not when you looked so stunning in your dress. Dally had felt like he'd been punched in the throat. You stole his breath just like you did every time he saw you. As you walked down the aisle there wasn't a single eye that wasn't glued to you. Time stopped. But as you finally reached the end of the aisle and stood across from your husband to be everything came rushing back. Dally reached for his flask and took a long drink, savoring the burn of whiskey. The pain distracted him. Why had he come? Maybe just to hurt himself more than the whiskey did. But all it did was bring him back to high school, when he was young, and he still had you. He could remember you with a sparkle in your eye as you laughed at him and whatever stupid antic he was trying to pull off. The nights where you'd sneak out of your house to kiss him breathless in the lot. But with those memories came the day that you got into your dream college. The day that you begged him to come with you. He'd said no, refused to be some puppy that followed you around. He had hated that all these things were happening for you and that he was stuck as some hoodlum. He hadn't seen the possibility of a future with you. He'd had the chance to change his life and thrown it away on his pride. Now he was tucked in the back of your wedding, watching the love of his life marry a man that wasn't him, drinking whiskey and blinking away the tears. Maybe this pain would go away someday but right now it was crushing and all he could do was think about how it was all his fault. He'd thrown you and his future away and he would have to live with it every day.


I remember the night when I almost kissed her
Yeah, I kinda freaked out, we'd been friends for forever

It had been the night after the state championships. Darry had this idea of kissing you after the game. Make it like a teenage love story. You'd been his best friend since you were in diapers. He'd had this whole idea of you two becoming a fairy tale, but he wasn't sure how you felt. He hoped that you liked him but there was always that doubt that haunted him. Made him worry that if he tried to kiss you it would ruin your friendship. He wasn't sure that he would be able to handle if he lost you, if you walked out of his life. Would it be worth it to risk it though? What if you said yes? What if you two got together and fell in love and had everything you ever wanted? Or what if you two fell in love and then fell out of love and broke up? Would you all ever be able to go back to being friends? Was it really worth it? Could Darry accept the consequences? He loved you so much. Knew that you were perfect for him and he would love you forever. But would it last? He knew that rarely did high school sweethearts make it all the way. But lifelong friends made it all the time. They stayed friends for decades and were in each other's lives for years. They helped raise each other's children and had barbeques and were there for all the major milestones. But so were spouses. Love could keep people together forever, couldn't it? Darry could have you as his wife and raise his children with you and have a dream life. Unless you got divorced. Then you two would hate each other and it would be just as bad.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2020 ⏰

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