First Fight

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It was the week before finals and Pony had been extremely stressed. You were to but it was Friday night and all you wanted to do was cuddle with Pony and make out a bit. You and Pony had been studying ever since you guys had arrived at the Curtis house. After three hours of staring at a textbook you decided that it was time for a break. Pony was sitting at his desk and you had been laying on the bed.  You got up and moved to stand behind him. You careful started to rub his shoulders and kiss his neck.

"Baby, don't you think it's time for a break?" You whispered. Pony remained focus on his books and just shrugged out of you hold. That stung a bit. But you weren't that easily detered. So you ran your hands doen his chest while your lips returned to ghosting over his neck.  "Come on, we have the whole house to ourselves. When was the last time Soda wasn't hanging out here and we couldn't do anything?" Pony pushed your hands away with an annoyed huff. You could see the stress was taking its tole on him. In a final attempt to get him to relax and take a break you pulled out his chair and straddled his lap. Your arms were hanging loosely around his neck as you leaned in to kiss him. One of your hands slid down to play with the hem of his shirt. Suddenly Pony was standing and you were unceremoniously dumped to the floor. Your shoulder hit the floor painfully.

"Dammit, (Y/N)! Can't you see I'm trying to study?! I don't need you hangin' off me like some kind of whore! Just because you don't care about your grades doesn't mean that I don't!" He exploded. You sat there for a moment just staring at each other. Finally you pulled yourself  off the ground. Your shoulder was throbbing and you really just wanted to cry.

"I just wanted you to relax a bit okay? Those tests are no good if you kill yourself trying to prepare for them," You said. You moved to grab your jacket and your bag. Pony reached for you but you pulled back from his grip.

"(Y/N)..." He started.

"I really need to go home now. I'll call you later," You said and turned to leave.  You heard Pony say your name once more but you were already out the door.

Dallas  was wasted and angry. You were sitting in his room at Buck's watching him try to pace but really it was more like stumbling. He was grumbling about something that didn't make any sense.

"And the worst part is (Y/N) doesn't even know! She can be so dumb sometimes!"

"Excuse me?" You said shocked. Dally just turned and swayed dangerously.

"Shh... don't tell (Y/N)! I screwed Jane," He said and tried to make shushing noises at you. You didn't know who Jane was but your heart shattered anyway. You stood up and gently took Dally by the arm and led him to the bed. Dally kept babbling about nonsense as you wreestled him out of his pants and tucked him into bed. Eventually Dally passed out. You stared at his snoring form as you finally let the tears fall. You knew what kind of guy Dally was when you got with him but that didn't stop you from falling got him. You ended up calling Keith to come pick you up.

The next morning you woke up feeling awful, miserable and depressed. You laid in bed staring at the ceiling for awhile. Thoughts of Dally kissing someother girl floated through your head.  It was mis afternoon and you still hadn't gotten up. You heard someone kncok on your door but you didn't answer. After a moment Dally poked his head in and smiled when he saw you laying in bed. He crawled in next to you and wrapped an arm around your waist. You pushed his arm off and finally pulled yourself out of bed.

"What's up, babe?" He asked. You turned and stared at him in amazement. Of course, he didn't remember what he'd said last night.

"Nothing," you replied not looking at him. You stared out the window. Dally came up beside you and wrapped an arm around your shoulders. "Is there anything you want to tell me?"

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