You're One of the Gang's Sister

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Pony knew he was in love with you the first time you walked in the door. You were beautiful and kind and funny. He could tell all that from the first time you walked in the door. You were perfect for him. He could see the two of you getting married and having kids together. You two would grow old together and raise your grandchildren. It would be a fairytale come true. But Pony should've known better than to believe in fairytales and happy endings, especially where he was involved. You were Steve's baby sister.  The moment he introduced you to the gang he made it clear you were off limits to everyone. 

Steve was trying to protect you. But that didn't stop you from falling in love with Pony. How could you not? Pony was perfect. He was your dream guy in every way. The two of you were drawn together like magnets. No matter how hard you tried to stay away from each other you guys couldn't. You liked to think of your relationship as Romeo and Juliet. You just hoped that it would have a better ending. You guys started sneaking around to see each other. The only other person who knew was Johnny and he was good at keeping his mouth shut. You thought that maybe you could stay a secret until you were both 18 and then tell Steve when he couldn't do anything about it. 

But than you got pregnant. You and Pony had been together for almost three years when it happened and when Pony found out he cried. You two were going to be a family. Pony started hunting for a job and trying to find you guys a place to live. He and Johnny even went out to look at engagement rings. Pony picked out the prettiest one he could afford and was on his way over to your house to sneak in and see you when he heard the fighting. 

"I don't give a shit, (Y/N)! You're not having that brat's kid. He's nothing but trouble," Steve yelled. Pony rushed up and burst through the door. You were on the couch crying and Steve was standing over you yelling. In the center of the room were boxes with all your things packed up in them. "You're going to go stay with Aunt Martha. I won't let you get stuck in this kind of shitty lifestyle."

"The hell she is," Pony hissed. He moved and stood in between you and Steve. "I'll be a dead corpse in the ground before you take her away from me, Steve."

"That can be arranged," Steve replied coldly. 

"Don't hurt him, Steve. Please, I love him," you said, standing up off the couch and placing your hand in Pony's. Steve looked up at you and for a second Pony thought his mind was made up and that there was no changing it. You must have seen it too. "If you do this Steve, Pony and I'll be gone tonight. You'll never see me again and you sure as hell won't ever meet your nephew."

"Where she goes, I go, Steve. Regardless of what you want," Pony put in.  He turned and looked at you. He got down on one knee and pulled out the little blue box he'd been keeping in his pocket. "This wasn't how I wanted to ask but (Y/N) I can't imagine a life with out you. I love you, will you marry me?"

"Yes!" You didn't even have to ask!" you said pulling him up to hug and kiss him. Pony's hand subconsciously drifted down to your stomach. He placed his hand there protectively. You two separated when you heard Steve clear his throat. The pair of you faced him willingly. 


You were Johnny's twin. You both had dark hair and tan skin. And that was where the similarities ended. You two were exact opposites. Where Johnny was quiet you were loud. Where Johnny was skittish you were angry and violent. And you were ridiculously protective of Johnny. There wasn't anything you wouldn't do for Johnny. And that's probably why you and Dally clicked. The day Johnny introduced you to the gang Dally fell in love. He didn't ever want to admit it but you had him wrapped around your finger. 

That didn't necessarily mean that you two always got along though. You two constantly had knock down drag out fights where all you would do is scream at each other. There was a period indoor relationship where all you did was fight and it got really bad. You were miserable all the time because Dallas couldn't express himself and Dallas was always pissed off that you were mad at him. Eventually Johnny couldn't take it anymore. He hated seeing his sister and his best friend so unhappy. So he broke you two up. He told Dallas that you wanted to break up with him for your ex boyfriend and he told you that Dallas was leaving you for some slut. 

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