A1 Dad Moment

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"I swear to god you said the recital was Thursday," Pony tried to argue with you. You raised your eyebrows at him as you leaned against the kitchen counter and watched him pace across the kitchen. "I could have sworn that you said the recital was Thursday at 7." 

"Well it wasn't Pony. It was today at 5," you said moderately irritated that he was trying to blame this on you. "And this is all beside the point. You missed her recital and you need to go make it up to Rose now." 

The way Pony's face fell made you feel bad for being so harsh. But he hadn't seen the look on Rose's face when she found that her daddy hadn't been at her first ballet recital. The look of heartbreak on her face had prompted you to take her out to ice cream and attempt anything to make it better. But nothing would do. She'd gone straight to her room when you'd gotten home and hadn't been seen since. 

"Does she hate me?" Pony whispered. He ran his hands through his hair. "I didn't think I'd mess up this dad thing this early in the game. (Y/N), what if she hates me?"

"She doesn't hate you," you said and moved to go wrap him in a hug. He buried his face in your neck. "But she's mad. You have to go apologize and you have to make it up to her somehow." 

"Okay," Pony said and went to leave the kitchen. He paused in the doorway. "I love you, (Y/N)." 

"I love you too. Now go," you said. Pony exited the room and you went to go make dinner. 15 minutes later Rose came sprinting into the kitchen. 

"Mommy! Mommy! Guess what?!" She cried jumping up and down in excitement. You crouched down to her level and smiled.

"What?" you asked. 

"Daddy's getting me a puppy!" She said. Just then Pony entered the room. You made eye contact with Pony and tried to contain your emotions. 

"Is he now?" You said and were glad when Pony's face dropped a bit as he realized that he maybe should've ran that past you first. "That's great sweetie. Why do you go clean up for dinner? I need to speak to your father." 

Rose ran out of the room rambling about what kind of puppy she would get and what she would name it. Pony approached you carefully. 

"I'm sorry (Y/N). She just looked so sad and I couldn't think of anything and I just-" He started to ramble but you cut him off. 

"You're taking care of the dog and cleaning up after it. Not me. You, okay?" you said. Pony nodded and when he saw you smiling he pulled you into a short and sweet kiss. "You know you can't just buy her an animal every time you mess up, right?"

"Sure I can," Pony said with a grin. "I've still got a cat, a horse, a goat, maybe even a sheep to buy her before  I have to actually face any real trouble."


Dallas was not a man of fear. There was nothing that scared him. He was a tuff guy. He could fight and brawl and hang with the toughest, baddest men out there. And yet, he found himself terrified as he held the phone at the desk of the emergency room. You hadn't picked up yet and each ring made him more and more nervous. Finally, the rings ended and your voice picked up on the line. 


"(Y/N)," Dally started but trailed off. 

"Dally? Is everything okay?" Your motherly senses picked up quickly on something wrong. "Dallas. Answer me." 

"Don't be mad." 

"Dallas. What the fuck is going on?" 

"You have to promise not to be mad," Dallas said. You didn't reply but he could feel your patience running out. "Henry's fine but we're in the ER.  He broke his arm. But really he's fine." 

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