Uptown Girl

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A/N: So I was thinking about doing one where you're a soc and that just seemed a little bit over done. So this is based off of the song Uptown Girl by Billy Joel.  I've never done one based on song lyrics but it seems cool. I know I've got other requests to work on but nothing's really inspired me. So If you guys have a certain song you'd like to see, well you know where the comments are.

Pony: I bet she's never had a backstreet guy. I bet her momma never told her why

Yes, you were rich. You lived in a McMansion and had just about everything you'd ever wanted.  Or at least you thought you had. The day you met Pony you realized you didn't have everything you wanted. You wanted Pony so bad and at first you thought Pony wanted you back. You thought he could look past your clothes and your address. Maybe he, unlike every guy you'd ever dated, wouldn't care about your money. But than one day Pony just quit talking to you. He avoided you like you were the plague. Whatever flirtatious thing you two had going just stopped in an instant. Like a switch had been flipped. It shattered your heart more than expected. You hadn't fully realized that you were pretty much in love with Pony until he was gone.

What you didn't know though was that Pony returned your feelings, very much so. He'd come by your house with the intentions of talking to you and yes, asking you out on a date. But he'd met your parents at the door instead. Your dad had sat him down and told him that you would never go out with a guy like him. He was trash and you were like a precious gem; something that ought to be treasured and taken care of.  Your father made it beyond clear that Pony was to never go near you again. If your father ever caught Pony around you again not only would he hurt Pony but he'd go after you too. Pony didn't have a chance. He avoided you at every chance and broke your heart just like he was supposed to. The worst part though was how many times your mom almost told you about it. She saw how miserable you were after Pony. Every time she  heard you cry or spend a sleepless night wondering why Pony didn't talk to you, your mom almost told you. She wanted to but she knew better than to go against your father. Your mother never told you why Pony broke your heart.

Dally: She's been living in her white bread world. As long as anyone with hot blood can

Dally had seen you around before. Mostly at school when he showed up to pick up Pony and Johnny. To him you were hard to miss. You were pure perfection wrapped up in a soc façade. He saw how miserable you looked standing with your friends as they gossiped about this and that. He liked to watch you and sometimes he imagined what would happen if you got into his car. Dallas would bet that you were a wild girl at heart. And you were just itching to break that cookie cutter mold you had been forced into. 

He shouldn't have been that surprised then when you appeared one night at Buck's with your hair all ratted up and bright red lipstick. You were almost unrecognizable. Between your tight skirt and 'fuck you' smile every guy in the bar was staring at you. But you made your way towards Dallas completely ignoring the rest of the guys that were drooling over you. Dallas had never seen you look more relaxed and happy than he did that night. When he asked you about your total transformation a few weeks later-when it seemed like the change would be permanent- all you said was that there was only so long you could live the soc lifestyle before you started to crave some adventure. And then you kissed Dallas. As it would turn out that kiss was the first of many.

Darry: You know I can't afford to buy her pearls But maybe someday when my ship comes in She'll understand what kind of guy I've been And then I'll win

Darry had watched you all of high school. He realized that he was in love with you in sophomore year but he never said anything to you. You both were popular in high school so it shouldn't have been a problem. But the thing was that Darry couldn't afford you. That was how he liked to put it anyway. In his mind a girl like you deserved to be dressed in pearls and  designer dresses. But he could never afford to buy you all the things he thought you deserved. So he forced himself away from you and pretended that you belonged with whatever rich, useless jock you were deserving. He dreamed about the day that he would be able to make enough money to buy you all the pretty things you deserved. Then and only then when he could give you the lifestyle you deserved would he go after you. He worked hard and tried to make money for you. But when he graduated and suddenly had to take care of Soda and Pony, he realized that any chance he'd ever had with you was gone. There was no way he could take care of his brothers and you. He couldn't win.  But he'd be damned if he ever stopped trying. He worked harder and tried to be the best he could in hopes that someday he'd be the man you deserved.

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