Your Song

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Ponyboy: Love Story by Taylor Swift

Your dad hadn't liked you dating Pony. He thought you deserved someone from the "right" side of the tracks. Pony hated to admit it but he agreed with your dad. He knew that you were so far out of his league. But by some grace of God you were with him and Pony wasn't about to let that go. Ever. So even thought your father had forbid the two of you to be together Pony refused. He went to your dad every single day and begged for his blessing. It was almost a year before finally your dad saw how much Pony loved you and gave his blessing. 

Love Story became your song the first moment you heard it. You two had started out as Romeo and Juliet but managed to find a happy ending. The two of you would never let go of each other. It was a love story come true. 

Dallas: I Don't Dance by Lee Brice

Dallas was a tough guy. He didn't dance, he didn't kiss, he didn't love. Or so he thought. The day he met you he knew he was done. He knew there would be no going back from you. He was in love. Suddenly being a tough guy meant shit to him. He'd do anything to make you smile. And if that made him a sap so be it. He didn't give a fuck what anyone thought. Just what you thought. You had him in the palm of your hand. The guys liked to tease him about it but he didn't care because for once in his life, Dallas Winston was happy. 

I Don't Dance was the song you two danced to at your wedding. Dallas had been the one to suggest it actually. It spoke to him. He'd always sworn that he wasn't a dancer. That he'd never fall in love. Never get married. But when he found you it was like coming home and all the things he swore he'd never do didn't matter. 

Darry: A Thousand Years by Christina Perri

A thousand years wasn't enough time for Darry to spend with you. He would always need you in his life. You were his savior. His drink of water after he'd been out in the desert for years. When you walked into Darry's life he'd been at his wit's end. Between trying to keep the house and not lose Pony he was going mad. But you managed to save him. You brought him back to earth and kept him sane. Darry had never felt the way he felt about you. He sometimes found himself frustrated that he couldn't ever find the words to express how much he loved you and needed you. 

A Thousand Years was the only thing he could find that expressed his feelings towards you. He loved you and knew that even once he was dead he would keep loving you. He would love you for eternity. 

Soda: Bless the Broken Road by Rascal Flatts

Soda had been through a lot. He'd lost his parents, he'd watched his two brothers go after each other, he'd lost what he thought was the love of his life, Sandy. He'd had a bumpy road in life. Something no one should ever had to have gone through. But every single night he thanked whatever god was listening for the road because that road led him to you. He'd been broken and torn down but never did he ever regret his past because all the shit he'd dealt with, all the hurt and pain, led him to you. 

Bless the Broken Road was Soda's song. He knew that if anything in his life had been different he may not have met you. Without you in his life Soda wouldn't have anything left. You were precious to him and if he having you in his life meant that he had to go through terrible thing after terrible thing than so be it. You were Soda's life forever and always. 

Steve: Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran

Steve knew you were it the second he saw you. He can remember leaning over to Soda and whispering in his ear, "I'm going to marry that girl." And damned if he didn't. Steve had never seen himself as someone to settle down with one person for fifty years. He'd never really thought about spending the rest of his life with one person. But you changed that. There were some mornings when Steve would take up with you beside him and think please let me do this for the rest of my life. 

Thinking Out Loud was perfect for you two. Your love was ever lasting. When you two were old and grey, Steve knew that he would still feel the same way about you as he did the day he met you. 17, 37, 77, it didn't matter how old you were he would always love you. And you would always love him. Some people are just simply meant to be. 

Johnny: Accidentally in Love by Counting Crows

Johnny had never planned on being in love. He'd seen his parents marriage fall apart. He always thought that if that was what love was he would kindly pass on it. When you appeared in his life it was as a friend. The two of you could spend whole days together and never get sick of each other. You let him stay at your house whenever he needed to. He would lend you his jean jacket whenever you were cold. You two just clicked. 

Accidentally in Love was perfect for you guys. There was one morning when Johnny woke up in your bed after spending the night with you beside him and realized, I'm in love with this girl. He hadn't ever meant to fall in love with you. He'd honestly always thought of you as a friend, until that morning when he realized through your whole friendship he'd been falling in love with you. It was an accident but a perfect one. 

Two-Bit: Wonderwall by Oasis

Two had been heading in a downward spiral. The drinking and the fighting was getting to be too much. He was on the fast track to an early grave. Everyone liked to think that it was Dallas that was the worst off but that's just because Two was better at hiding it. But the second you showed up, you knew that Two was in trouble. He didn't need saving per say. He just needed something to live for. You didn't realize it until after the fact but you were that thing. 

Wonderwall became your song when Two heard the line "and maybe you're going to be the one that saves me." You were his savior. His reason to get his act together. His reason to be. You were his rock when the world around was spinning out of control. You kept him grounded and safe. You held him together even when he felt like he was going to fall to pieces. 

A/N: So this is secretly just a list of my favorite songs that I felt like listening to. There are other songs that probably fit better but I just really love all these songs and needed to share them. Thanks for reading!!! 

The Outsiders Preferencesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें