Another Boy is Your Ex

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You had dated Steve in high school but when he dropped out, you two had broken up. You just had different plans for your life than he did. Your plans centered around going to college far away from Tulsa. And that's exactly what you'd done. You were in your advanced english class when you met Pony. The two of you clicked almost immediately. You bonded over classic literature and sunsets. It was perfect. The two of you fell for each other hard. And when you both realized you were from Tulsa, you knew it had to be fate. The pair of you travelled to Tulsa for Christmas break with the intent of meeting each other's families. Pony and your parents hit it off so much so that your mother made it very clear that Pony was the boy you were supposed to marry. You knew Pony didn't have parents but you were eager to meet his brothers and what he often referred to as the gang. When you arrived at his house Darry greeted you with a smile and a hug. You were introduced to Dallas and Two and Johnny. Pony's other brother, Soda, was apparently out but would be back soon. You and Johnny got along swimmingly and it was much to everyone's surprise that you could keep up with Two's jokes. All of you had just sat down to dinner when Soda made an appearance with a very familiar face. 

"(Y/N)?" Steve asked wide eyed. "What are you doing here?"

"Steve?" you said just as surprised. "I...umm... well I'm here." 

"She's here to meet my family," Pony said with furrowed brows. "Do you guys know each other?" 

"Yeah, we dated back in high school," You said, looking down, uncomfortable. Pony stared at you for a moment before excusing himself from the table and storming out to the backyard. 

"I'm just going to say what everyone's thinking," Two started, making everyone look at him. "It's super weird that Pony and Steve have slept with the same girl." 

You pushed out from the table and were about to go follow Pony when Steve caught your arm. 

"You and Pony?" He asked. 

"Yeah. Me and Pony."

"Good," Steve said making you raise an eyebrow at him. "I mean that's good. Pony's the kind of guy you deserve. He'll make you happy." 

"Thanks, Steve," you said and hugged him briefly before going out to the backyard, where your boyfriend was sitting in the grass, smoking like a chimney. You sat beside him. You weren't sure what to say. 

"Did you love him?" Pony asked suddenly making you stare at him. "Tell me (Y/N). Did you love him?" 

After a moment you found what you wanted to say. 

"No. I didn't. We were just a high school fling. Something to pass the time," you said. Pony nodded and seemed to slip into thought. "I love you, though." 

Pony's head snapped back to looking at you. 

"You heard me, Pony. Don't give me that look. I love you. I really do," you said with a small smile. Suddenly you were on your back and Pony's lips were on yours. You were happy to kiss Pony. You were a bit nervous that Pony hadn't said it back but there would be time for that later on. You and Pony kissed for a few more minutes before finally pulling yourself together and going back inside. You two rejoined the table and the gang got to know you better. All the while Pony's hand remained in yours. 


You and Johnny had been a brief item. But it was hard for the two of you to be together. Johnny was just so quiet and you were the exact opposite. You were loud and loved to party. The two of you thought that maybe opposites attract and so you guys would be fine. But as the relationship continued you saw that this was only going to end badly. You were only going yo hurt Johnny. You knew it. No doubt. So you ended it with Johnny. You had hoped that it would be a clean break but you could tell that Johnny was upset about it. You cared for Johnny and were trying to what you felt was best for him. 

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