How You Met

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Ponyboy: You were new to school and a bit on the shy side. So standing in front your English class as your teacher introduced you was miserable. Everyone stared at you. Some in curiosity and others in disgust. You were from the poorer side of town so your clothes were shabby. The only person who wasn't staring at you was a boy with tan skin and dark eyes. His nose was buried in a book and he hadn't even glanced up when you walked in. You were dying to know what the book was. Something so interesting that he seemed to not even be in the same world as the rest of us.

"(Y/N), why don't you go sit next to Ponyboy. He should be able to catch you up pretty fast," The teacher said and pointed to the boy who'd been reading. Finally he glanced up from his book and the two of you made eye contact. You couldn't help but blush as he looked you up and down. You scurried to the empty seat next to Ponyboy, thankful to no longer be standing in front the class. As you sat down next to him, Ponyboy blushed and looked back into his book. You couldn't quite see the title of the book.

"Ponyboy?" You whispered. It took a moment but finally he looked up at you. His eyes were gorgeous. All of him was.

"Just Pony, actually,"He replied.

"Oh, sorry," You said and glanced down at the table. "What are you reading?"

"Just  Gone With the Wind." You couldn't help but perk up at that.

"That's my favorite book!" You exclaimed, excitedly.

"Mine too. I'm sorry I didn't catch your name."

"It's (Y/N)."

"It's nice to meet you, (Y/N)."


You'd been sent to Tulsa to live with your aunt and cousin Keith because you were "reckless". You weren't too happy about that since you felt that it was pointless.  Keith had picked you up at the airport and informed you that your aunt wouldn't be home for awhile since she had to work. So instead of driving you to your new house Keith was dragging you to some lot where the gang was. You didn't know who the gang was but they didn't sound like your kind of crowd. You really just wanted to scream at someone. You pulled up to an abandoned lot with a group of boys standing around.

"Keith, can't you just take me home? Or better yet just drive me to California?" You asked as he moved to get out of the truck.

"For the last time call me Two-Bit or Two," He said. He got out of the car and slammed the door so hard the whole thing shook. You could tell in the short car ride over you had really pissed him off. He didn't understand. Having your whole life uprooted and moved hundreds of miles away because your parents didn't have time to deal with you was difficult. You closed your eyes to stop the tears that had built up suddenly.  A rap on the window pulled you out of your thoughts. You looked out and saw a guy standing there with a dangerous grin. You just stared at him but didn't roll down the window so he knocked again. He raised his eyebrows as if to say I'm not going anywhere until you roll down the window. With a huff you cranked the window down half way.

"Hi there," He said. You didn't reply just stared forward, ignoring him. "Two said you were grumpy."

"I'm sure he did," You replied, still not looking at him. "Is there something I can help you with?"

"Feisty. I like it. I'm Dallas by the way." You went to roll up the window but he stuck his hand in, effectively stopping you. "Now don't be like that. Come on, I'm sorry. Look why don-"

You cut him off, "No. Just please leave me alone. I'm not in the mood to be hit on by some guy who thinks he's James Dean."

"You think I look like James Dean? I'm flattered." You couldn't help but giggle a bit. "And how do you know I was gonna make a move on you?"

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