A Soc Hits on You

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Ponyboy: Pony got angry real fast. The moment that the Soc started to put the moves on you Pony felt the heat of anger blow up in his belly. He moved towards where you were standing quickly. You were surprised and a little turned on by seeing your usually timid Pony all riled up as he pulled you close and growled at the guy to get lost. You couldn't resist kissing him deeply the moment that the Soc left. It led to a very memorable night ;)
Dallas: You and Dally had just had a huge fight when the Soc appeared. You were very pointedly ignoring Danny and letting the Soc all over you. He glared at the Soc, knowing that you were only doing this because you felt neglected. He found himself moving over to you. He interrupted the Soc to kiss you strongly yet sweetly.
"I love you more than you know," he whispered to you. You blushed. and stood on your toes to kiss him again. While you two were lip locked the Soc awkwardly slipped off. "I'm sorry. Now come on let's get out of here."
Darry: Darry all but exploded when the Soc put his arm around you. He blacked out a bit. When he came to the Soc was on the ground holding his nose and his knuckles throbbed a bit. You were looking at him with a bit of a smile on your face.
"Jealous, much?" you asked giggling and wrapping an arm around his arm and pulling him away from the crowd that was starting to gather.
Sodapop: It was while Soda was working at the DX. You had been inside while he was in the garage. Soda walked into to see the Soc had you backed into a corner with a hand on you wrist.
"Babe?" he called out making the both of you turn. Soda moved over towards you puffing out his chest as he did so. "Sorry, pal but we're closing up here." Soda threw his arm around separating the two of you and trying to intimidate the Soc. "I gotta take this pretty girl on a date." The Soc stuttered out nonsense before all but running from the DX. You smiled and shook your head at your boy. You loved him so much.
Steve: Steve puffed out his chest and all but threatened the Soc's life. All with out saying a word. He slid his arm around you and kissed at your neck all while maintaining eye contact with the Soc. You bit back a moan but couldn't stop the blush that was coming to your cheeks. The Soc disappeared real quick as Steve worked his ways to your lips.
Johnny: Johnny didn't say anything. He just let you deal with the Soc. It wasn't that he didn't want to protect. He just knew that you preferred to deal with it by yourself. And deal with it you did. The Soc walked away soaked with a soda and his dignity no longer in tact. You made your way to him and wrapped your arms around his neck. You kissed him gently and it was in that kiss he could feel all the love you had for him. He thanked his lucky stars everyday for you.
Two-Bit: Two was wasted when it happened. A Soc was trying to put a move on you and he glared at him from across the bar. He finished his beer and stumbled over towards you. He pulled the Soc away from you and wrapped his arms tightly around you, burying his face in his neck.
"Mine," he mumbled. You laughed as he did. You nodded your head.
"Yes, Two, Yours," you said threading your hands into his hair. "We should probably get you home."
"What are we gonna do at home?"
"You'll just have to wait and see, aren't you?" Two groaned. You waved to the shocked Soc as you dragged Two out of the bar.

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