Getting Caught ;)

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A/N: So this chapter I'm rating somewhere between PG-13 and R. It's more frisky than the One Night Stand chapter but I'm not into writing porn on a sight where 11 year olds can see it. This is supposed to be a little snapshot of what I imagine you two getting caught in the act would be like. And for all intensive purposes, Johnny and Pony aren't 14 in these because that's just weird to think about. Anyway I'm feeling froggy so here we go...


It was funny. You weren't the loud one when it came to sex. No, that was Pony. And most of the time you loved the grunts and growls he made while you to were in bed together. But now was not the time for them. Darry and Soda were in the living room watching the football game and the two of you were supposed to be studying. But as it turned out riding Pony into the mattress was way more fun than Calculus homework. You didn't want to get caught by them because you knew you'd never hear the end of it. You had put your hand over Pony's mouth, trying to stifle his noises as much as possible. You thought you two might actually get to finish before anyone came in as you could hear Darry yelling at the ref. Of course the moment you thought that was exactly when Soda decided to barge into the room without knocking. 

"Hey Pony, what's with all the grunting? You and (Y/N) working out or-Shit! Jesus!" Soda had stared to say but switched to swearing as he covered his eyes. You were unceremoniously thrown off of Pony as he tried to get up off the bed. The clamor and clatter drew Darry into the situation as well. He came to see what Soda was hollering about and was greet with the sight of Pony frantically trying to cover the both of you up. "Come on, Pony! I sleep in that bed!" 

"What's going on here?"Darry asked with a parental look in his eyes. 

"Come on, Darry. You know what they were doing. Don't make 'em say it. This is awkward enough," Soda complained still covering his eyes. 

"No, I want to here it from them. If they think they're mature enough to do it than they're mature enough to say it," Darry said crossing his arms. 

"We weren't doing anything, Darry. Nothing at all," Pony said turning red faced. You however were a bit more pissed at being interrupted. 

"We were having sex, Darrel. Your little brother and I were having sexual intercourse," You said while maintaining complete eye contact with him. Darry shifted a little bit feeling uncomfortable that things were starting to turn on him. You just smirked. "Don't be shy Darry. I think it's good that we're open about this. I'm sure Pony and I have some questions that you or Soda could answer. Like did you teach Pony how to do that thing with his tongue? Because if you did I have to say-"

"That's enough. We're going to forget this ever happened. Darry and I are going to go out and finish watching the game in a bar or something,"Soda said cutting you off. He kept his eyes still covered as he blindly reached for Darry and dragged them out of the room and the house. Once they were gone you smirked as Pony tackled you to the bed and smothered you with kisses. "

"God, I love you," he whispered. 

"I know," you replied with a smirk. 


You had just let out a content sigh as Dallas worked his way down your torso. This was heaven. Dallas' mouth was heaven. Dallas had been in the cooler for about a week and when he got out he was hungry for you. Dallas never liked to go more than a day without having you at least once. So a whole week had been torture. Now that he was out though he intended to keep you in bed for at least two days. He was just getting started and you were more than happy to let him do what he pleased. That was until your cousin, Two walked in with Johnny right behind him. 

Two's immediate reaction was a litany of swear words followed by reaching towards Dallas with the intention of strangling the ever loving life out of him. As Two tackled Dallas to the ground and the pair of them began wrestling you say up with an unimpressed look. You glanced over at Johnny who was frozen in place with a flaming red face. His eyes were locked on the floor. You pulled the shirt up to cover yourself before you spoke. 

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