You Wear His Clothes

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One of Pony's favorite memories of you was the time he'd come home and you were wearing his socks. You had incredibly small feet and his feet dwarfed yours. You were curled up on the couch with a new novel and hadn't heard him come in. The house was chilly so you'd stolen a pair of his huge socks. They engulfed your feet and they reached half way up your calf. He stood in the door way looking at you and it was than that he realized that you were the girl he wanted to marry. Just you wearing his socks made him swell with pride. You were his and he wasn't about to let anythihng or anyone change that.

You stole his leather jacket one night while you two were out wondering about. You had planned on giving it back but you never really got around to it. Instead you wore it almost every single day. It smelled like Dally and kept you warm no matter how cold it was outside. Dally liked to gripe about it when you two were out with the gang but whenever he thought everyone wasn't looking he'd smile and something like love would float in his eyes. As long as you were wearing that jacket everyone else in the world would know that you belonged to him. The jacket protected you because no one messed with Dally and the jacket meant you were with Dally. He didn't like to admit it but you kept him sane and the jacket reminded him that you weren't going anywhere.

Darry wasn't huge on PDA and he tried to keep everything PG especially when you two were out in public. But he'd just won perhaps of the biggest football games of the year and here you were standing in front of him in faded jeans and his back up jersey. It set something off in him. Something primal and possessive. He couldn't stop himself from pressing you against a wall and kissing you. It was deep and passionate and perfect. When you two were finally able to pull away from each other his eyes were black with lust. You could feel him pressed against you. You both were breathing heavily. His last name scrawled across your back turned him on. Later on he'd blush in embarassment at acting like such a caveman and you'd have to tell him that it was okay. You never had to worry about Darry wanting you but it was nice to know he needed you.

You had stolen his pajama bottoms. Eight and half months pregnant and absolutely none of your pants fit. Your stomach was too swollen with a baby boy. The pajama bottoms were stretchy enough to fit over the bump without being to constricting. Soda had come home from work and found you like a beached whale on your bed in the bottoms. You thought you looked fat but you pregnant and wearing his clothes he thought you never looked better. He climbed into bed with you and rested his head on your stomach. He laughed to himself as he traced the edge of the waistband because right here and right now you looked like the most beautiful girl in the world.

Steve had this bandana he kept in his pocket at the DX. He called it his lucky bandana that he always kept on him when he was drag racing. He said that it kept him safe. He had it in his pocket when he asked you, the first time he kissed you, on your first date, and when he asked you to marry him. He thought for sure that it was his lucky bandana that kept you agreeing to be with him. This is exactly why he was panicking because he couldn't find it today. Your wedding day of all days to lose it. He was sure that everything would go wrong and that you would never even show up to alter.
It wasn't until you were walking down the aisle that everythinhg made sense. The red bandana sat tied up in your hair as you moved towards him. When you reached him a huge smile danced on his lips.
"Hope you don't mind that I borrowed this. Needed a bit of luck today," you whispered.
"Looks better on you anyway."
You stole his jean jacket one night not really thinking about it. It was cold out and you were shivering. You didn't reallly think about it as you slid your arms into the warm denim. The sleeves fell over your hands and you loved that it smelled like him. You were watching the stars when you felt eyes on you. Johnny was staring at you with an odd sort of expression on his face.
"What?" You asked.
"I didn't think I could love you any more than I already do but you in my jacket makes me fall in love with you again," Johnny said.
There were weekends where you would spend all of it in his boxers. Usually Friday you two would bang and the next Saturday it was too much work to get dressed. You would spend the weekend in bed pulling his underwear on just to walk to the kitchen or the bathroom. Two would lay in bed with the sheets around his waist and arms folded behind his head as you walked into the room and he'd just smile like he was the luckiest man in the world and he was because he had you in the soft morning light wearing his boxers and nothing could be better.

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