He and Your Child Fight

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"You're curfew was an hour ago, Rose!" Pony snapped the moment your daughter entered the house. She froze and looked up at her father.
"Chill, Dad. It's not a big deal," she said as she put her bag down.
"Not a big deal? I didn't even know where you were! This is a huge deal!" Pont shouted. Rose stood in the middle of the living room looking at her dad in astonishment.
"I lost track of time, okay? I'm sorry," she said kicking the ground.
"You will be. You're grounded for a month!"
"That's so unfair! It was an accident! God, you're such a dictator sometimes,"she snapped before storming into her room and slamming the door. Pony let out a sigh before collapsing next to you on the couch.
"Do you think I was too harsh on her?" Pony asked. You offered him a gentle smile.
"Maybe a bit," you said. "If I remember correctly you used to break curfew all the time to hang out with me and we weren't always behaving the way we should."
"I guess you're right," he sighed out. "i should probably go apologize."
James had been arrested for shoplifting and you had to go bail him out that morning. Dallas was sitting on the porch with a sour expression on his face as you walked up with James following you.
"Do you have any idea how stupid you are?" Dally growled out.
"No more than you," James replied cooly.
"I'm sorry, what did you just say to me?"
"You heard me, old man. Jeeze, would've thought I killed someone."
"You've ruined your future! No one wants to hire someone with a shoplifting conviction. You are gonna end up being a homeless bum all your life if you keep this up!"
"I'm not gonna be you, dad! Okay? I'm not gonna screw up my life like you did!" James shouted making Dally go white. With rage or hurt you couldn't tell.
"Go inside the house right now James," you said cooly. James looked at you angrily before stomping inside. You walked over to Dallas who was shaking. You took his hands into yours.
"He sounds just like I did when I was a kid and i just sounded like my dad, (Y/N)," He whispered, placing his head into the crook of your neck. You ran one of your hands through his hair.
"But you're not your dad. Your Dad was never there. Right now, you need to show him that you are here for him, even when he does stupis shit like this," You said. Dallas looked up at you and smiled. "Go talk to him, okay? He needs you."
"It's one night! Please Dad! Aerosmith only comes like once every two years!" Jane begged at the dinner table.
"I'm not comfortable with you going on a school night," Darry said.
"But I'll be the laughing stock of the whole school if I don't go! Uncle Pony is letting Rose go!"
"The day I take parenting lessons from Pony is a cold day in hell," Darry replied.
"My god you are such a tight ass! I hate you!" Jane shouted before pushing away from the table and storming out.
"Am I wrong? I mean she's so young and that's a rock concert! It could be dangerous, (Y/N)!" Darry said looking to you for advice.
"I don't know what to say, sweetie. I mean when I was her age I was sneaking out with you to drive across the state to see Elvis," you said as you started to clear the table. "But if you don't want her to go, than don't let her go. But at least go make sure she knows that your not doing this to be a jerk. You just want to protect her."
You and Soda were sitting on the couch when Darla entered with her boyfriend, Steve Randle Jr. They both looked a bit sad and scared. The sat across from you two.
"Can we talk to you for a second?" Darla asked. You two nodded sensing this was something serious. "Look, we have some big news and I don't know how you're going to take this, but I'm pregnant."
"You're what?!" Soda snapped standing up. Darla flinched and Steve put his arm around her, clearly wanting to protect her. "How could you two be so careless?"
"It was an accident, Soda. We weren't planning for this," Steve said.
"I can't believe you two were even having sex! That is so reckless and irresponsible!" Soda yelled.
"Dad, I know this is bad but can you not yell?" Darla said as she stood up.
"I don't think yelling is going to help," Steve said.
"Don't you start with me, young man! You are dead!"
"Dad, don't yell at him. He's trying to protect me!" Darla said. "He's not going to run out on me. He wants this baby as much as I do! I thought you would understand!"
With those words she was storming out of the room. Steve only gave you two a pleading look before following Darla.
"Soda, you know when I found out I was pregnant, I was so scared that people would judge me," You said. "I was so afraid that my family would reject me. It was so scary. Absolutely terrifying. I know from experience that she needs as much support as she can get."
"I think I maybe need to go apologize to her," Soda said. "We have a lot to talk about."
"What is that?" Steve asked at breakfast when Cassandra was reaching across the table to pick up a piece of toast. Immedately Cassie was pulling he shirt sleeve back down and looking at her plate. Steve grabbed her arm and pulled up her sleeve to reveal the ink of an infinity symbol on her forearm. "You got a tattoo?!"
"Maybe," Cassie said pulling her arm from his grip. "I thought it looked cool."
"How dare you do this without even consulting us?!" Steve snapped, angrily.
"I'm almost eighteen! You don't control me!" Cassie barked. "You're being ridiculous!"
"I'm not being ridiculous! You're being reckless! Where did you even get that?!"
"It doesn't matter! It's there and I'm not removing it!" She snapped before getting up and storming out of the room. Steve looked at you silently asking if he was right.
"Our son in about to be a father and I was pregnant with twins by the time I was eighteen. A small tattoo like that isn't really that bad," you said with a shrug. "If I was you I'd go talk to her and work out an understanding."
You heard the front door open and close from your bedroom. Johnny got up and went out into the hallway. You knew Henry had just arrived home. You sat up and turned the light on.
"Are you drunk?!" You heard Johnny yell. You sat up straiter and listened for the response.
"What do you care?" Henry slurred out.
"What the hell are you thinking?! You are sixteen years old! You have no need to be drinking!" Johnny shouted. You could only sit by and listen.
"Would you fuck off! I know what I'm doing and I don't need you telling me what to do!"
"I'm just trying to protect you, Henry!"
"I don't need protection! You can just leave me the fuck alone," You heard Henry shout before staggering down the hall and closing the door. Johnny came in and was practically crying when he crawled into bed. You pulled him into your arms.
"I just want him to be safe. I don't want him to be like my dad, drunk all the time," Johnny whispered.
"We'll talk to him in the morning. Henry is a good kid and he doesn't do this very often. We'll see what's up and work it out. Everything will be okay," you whispered before kissing Johnny lightly. "He won't be like your dad, I promise."
"I don't want a baby brother!" Darcy shouted. You laughed as yor five year old daughter shouted that at Two. You were pregnant again and this time with a baby boy.
"We can't do anything about that, baby girl," Two said trying to reason with her.
"NO! I don't want that dumb baby! Make it go away!" She shouted, stomping her foot. She reached out to hit your small bump. She missed when you stepped back.
"Do not hit your mother!" Two shouted at her making her flinch.
"I hate that baby!" Darcy cried before running out of the room, crying.
"Two, she's five years old. She can't do much damage. She shouldn't hit but you didn't need to yell," you said. "There's a bag of cookies and some milk in the fridge. Go talk to your daughter."

A/N: This one is a request. I tried my best but I don't think I did very well. I'm not super familar with parent's fighting with their children because I don't really fight with mine. Oh well... I really do love writing requests and i don't get that many. I have one more request to fill that I'll try to get up soon, like maybe tomorrow so wish me luck. It's 11 where I am maybe i can even do it tonight.... Hey, no sleep till Brooklyn!!!

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