First Kiss

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The two of you had been at the library looking for new books to read. You'd been dating for a week or so and on your first date Pony had tried to kiss you but you'd chickened out at the last moment. Thankfully Pony hasn't said anything to you about it. Now you were reaching for a book on the top shelf. You're fingers were just brushing the spine of it. A strong arm wrapped around your waist and lifted you up so you could grasp the book. Soft lips brushed the back of your neck as your feet reached the ground. You turned around while the arm remained around your waist. Pony stood so close to you staring into your eyes like they were the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. That look took your breath away. He moved a piece of hair out of your eyes to behind your ear. He leaned on minutely and glanced down to your lips for a moment. You nodded as Pony closed the distance between you two. The kiss was soft and slow. Neither of you moving much. It lasted maybe fifteen or twenty seconds before Pony pulled back. He looked at you as if he had to make sure you were real.

"How'd I end up with such a perfect girl?" He whispered before leaning in and kissing you again.

You were sitting on a bar stool at Buck's smoking a cigarette and watching everyone around you laugh and dance. You wanted to get up and dance but you refused to do it alone. So you sat and watched. Your cigarette had just burned out when Dally sat next to you with two beers. He grinned dangerously at you. You raised an eyebrow at him. Glancing around to make sure Keith wasn't around you took a swig of the beer.

"You wanna dance?"He asked. With a smirk you grabbed his hand and pulled him to the crowded dance floor. Your bodies pressed closer together you began to move. Your back was to his chest with his hands on your hips. You had your head rested back on his shoulder. He looked down at your face and without any warning placed his lips over yours. It was quick and dominant. One that had you melting even further into him. When you separated from him he looked so tad shaken.

"What?" you asked nervous that you'd done something wrong.

"You're unlike any other girl I've met," he replied and leaned in again for another kiss.

"So you hold the ball like this with your fingers over the laces," Darry instructed from behind you with his arms over yours showing you how to throw a football. It was after practice and everyone else had already left. Darry stepped back and ran out in front of you. He held up his hands ready to catch the ball. You pulled back your arm and released it. He caught it with ease and gently threw it back to you. You spent a few minutes playing catch. The sun started to set making it to dark for you to see the ball. Darry started back towards you and you began to move towards him. He had his hand out for you for hand him the ball, which you started to do but at the last second you clutched the football back to your chest and spun around him taking off towards the end zone. You could hear him chasing after you which made your laugh. He caught you by the waist just as you made the touchdown.

"And (Y/L/N) scores!!!!" He shouted spinning you around before collapsing on the grass with you on top of him. He rolled so you were under him. You both had been smiling and laughing but now with you underneath him the mood changed to something more serious. You looked at Darry eyes flicking down to his lips. Darry looked nervous so you took a chance and lifted your head slightly so that your lips connected with his. The both of you froze for a moment before Darry shut his eyes and pressed his lips more firmly to yours. The kiss didn't last long as the sprinklers turned on right then soaking both of you. Even though you both were wet and cold you know it couldn't have been a more perfect first kiss.

You were sitting on the counter at the DX waiting for Soda to finish closing up. You and Soda had been on a few dates together but weren't officially going together. So you weren't sure about Soda's behavior earlier.
The bell had just rung so you closed your book and started to pack up. You were about to pick up your book when a hand reached out and grabbed it. Your friend Tom grinned at you as he held your book.
"Let me carry your books for you?" he asked. You smiled at him and nodded. Your friendship with Tom was a bit odd since he was from the nicer part of town. You guys walked out of the building talking quietly. You grinned when you saw Soda leaning against a car waiting for you. He waved at you. You took your book from Tom and hugged him. Tom pecked your cheek and set off across the school yard. You turned to face Soda and saw that his grin had been replaced with a scowl. You hurried over to him and hugged him. Soda didn't return the hug. You got in the car and Soda drove you to your house. You tired to start a conversation with him but he ignored everything you said. Once at your place the moment you got out of the car Soda drove off not even saying good bye.

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