Single Mom

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As a single mom you were stretched a bit thin. You loved your daughter, Rose, with all your heart and would do anything for her. So when she asked to go to the park you had said yes despite being dog tired from the long week you'd spent working. You were so happy to see Rose running around and laughing. She didn't have a lot of toys to play with so anytime you saw her having fun made you smile. You'd been sitting on a bench overlooking the playground when your eyes slipped shut for just a moment. When your head bobbed and you woke up your eyes immediately scanned for Rose to make sure that she was okay. Panic set in when your eyes couldn't find her. You pushed yourself to your feet and began to look frantically around the park. She wasn't anywhere.

"Rose!" you shouted as you moved across the park in a rush. Finally you spotted her chasing a ball into the street. Unfortunately you also saw the truck barreling down the street too. You sprinted as fast as you could but you were too far away to reach her. Thankfully you didn't have to. A man scooped Rose up quickly and held her out of the way. Rose was crying by the time you got to her. You pulled her into your arms tightly and tried to assess whether or not she was okay. She seemed to be okay. It was only then that you looked up at the man who had saved her. He was very handsome with thick hair and a killer smile. "Thank you so much. You saved her life. I just fell asleep for a moment and when I woke up she was just gone. Oh thank you, thank you."

"No problem. I was just doing what any person would've done. I'm Ponyboy, by the way," the man said offering out his hand. You took it carefully.

"I'm (Y/N). And this is Rose. It's nice to meet you," you said. "Thank you again."

You turned holding Rose close to you. You didn't make it very far before you heard someone call your name. You turned to see Pony standing there holding a raggedy old stuffed dog. You recognized the dog as the one you had had as a child and given to Rose when she was born. 

"I think you dropped this," Pony said crouching down to Rose's level and handing her the dog. She smiled and mumbled something that sounded like thank you. As Pony rose to his full height you couldn't help by smile. "Look... You wouldn't want to...uhh... go grab some coffee sometime would you?"

"I'd love to," you replied with a huge smile.


Three juveniles in cell five. Arrested on the charges of minor in possession of alcohol and vandalism. Man, if that didn't take him back to his youth. Dallas shook his head knowing that their parents would be here soon and they wouldn't be his problem anymore. He sat down at his desk and ran his hands through his hair. It was shorter than it had been in his youth and there were certainly times when he wanted to go back to his teenage years but he knew it was for the better. He was with the police now, on the straight and narrow. Dallas knew that if he had kept on the way he had been he would've ended up dead. Dallas shook his head to pull himself out of the past and had only just opened one of the files on his desk when the door to the station banged open.

"James Danger!" A female voice shouted and in no time Dallas was back in the past. Back sitting in a holding cell with a split lip and a smile. Hearing that same voice shout his own name and knowing you were going either going to kiss him or kill him.  He was pulled back into the present when you rounded the corner. You looked almost exactly the same just a little older. Same pretty eyes and same hair. Same power over Dallas too it appeared as well. "Dallas?"

"(Y/N)?" He said. He couldn't believe he was really seeing you. He was almost tempted to rub his eyes to make sure he wasn't seeing things. "What are you doing here?"

"Umm..." you said suddenly looking ashamed. "I guess I'm here to pick up my son, James. I got a call saying that he was here."

"You have a son?" Dallas asked as a pang of jealousy ripped through him. He'd secretly always hoped that it would be him you would be having children with. But you had broken up with him after one too many times in the slammer. You said you couldn't deal with a felon. It was the reason Dallas even tried to straighten out in the first place. 

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