Chapter 8: I Want You

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Kola's POV

I hadn't been to school since the fight, and neither had Keo. I'd been pretending to be sick these past two days so I could stay home. Keo was suspended for the obvious reasons. I hadn't seen any of the traders or Carlos since the fight. The only person I've seen besides my mother was Blue because they would check on me and give me school work.

I heard a knock on my room door. "I have some tea for you." I heard my mother say. "Come in." I sat up. "Are you feeling better?" my mother asked, while closing the door behind her. "Yes, but I still don't want to go to school today." I answered. "Okay, well drink this tea. I have some soup downstairs for you, since I have to go to work." she explained.

"Okay, thank you." I spoke with a small smile. "You know, I still don't understand why your brother was fighting, and why Carlos?" she sighed. My eyes widen as I realized I didn't know the real reason either. "Yea..." I responded.

I waited a couple of hours before going downstairs because I didn't want to see Keo. I'm beyond mad, angry or even furious at him.

It's even worse that the person I thought was my best friend had sex with my brother. I don't appreciate that they didn't tell me and smiled in my face. I hate them both. I opened my door and quietly walked downstairs. I walked towards the kitchen and luckily nobody was in there. I got the soup my mom made me and walked back up the stairs.

Keo's door opened as soon as I arrived at mines. He just stood there staring at me. He still had a few bruises on his face. I wanted to ask him what the fuck was he staring at but, I wasn't done giving him the silent treatment.

I went into my room and slammed the door to show I was mad at him. My phone dinged as I sat on my bed. I looked at it and I had 5 messages from Carlos.

He was apologizing for everything that happened. Carlos even apologized for fighting Keo and explained he didn't mean to hurt him. Carlos felt bad and wanted to know if I'll see him to talk. I agreed to meeting up to talk.


Carlos's POV

I made it to Kola's house and texted her I was outside. She quickly but quietly opened the door and dragged me up into her room. "Woah, why are we in your room?" I questioned. "Calm your díck down, I just need to finish getting ready. Also, so Keo doesn't see you." Kola explained. "Why are you so worried about us seeing each other?" I wondered.

"Oh I don't know, maybe because both of you guys just physically fought!" she answered in a sarcastic tone. "Oh? Anyways, what are you getting ready for?" I curiously asked. "Well, my mom just told me she's getting off work early but she thinks I'm sick so we can't stay here" Kola explained while tying her hair up.

"I don't think you thought that plan out because if you're supposed to be sick and you're not here, what will she think?" I stated. "Oh...shit you're right" she slowly responded. "So, what are you going to do?" I laughed. "Um, I could tell her I started feeling better and walked to the pharmacy to get more medicine just in case?" she said, questioning the lie she just thought of.

"I mean, if she'll believe it but why are you lying in the first place?" I questioned while playing with one of her scrunchies. "What part of 'I'm supposed to be sick' don't you understand?" Kola pushed my shoulder. "Ok fine whatever, do you." I sighed, becoming a little annoyed by her sarcasm.

Kola and I were walking down the street for a few minutes. "How's your lip?" Kola teasingly asked. "Fine." I playfully rolled my eyes. "Are you sure? It still looks swollen." she tried to touch my face. I grabbed both of her arms to stop her from touching my face.

"Stop." I locked eyes with her. "Boop." she tapped my nose and smiled. "Kola! Please stop." I sighed. "Aw, does it still hurt?" she playfully pouted. "No, I'm fine." I softly answered. "Whatever." she crossed her arms. It went silent for a few seconds. "What's my name in your phone?" she asked out of nowhere.

" should be bae." I mumbled. "Huh?" Kola responded with a small smirk. "What?" I asked, trying to act dumb. "What did you say?" she asked as she stopped me from walking. "Nothing, move." I smiled while carefully moving her out the way.

I continued walking as Kola started walking in front of me. "Fine. Don't repeat it, but I heard you and I have no complaints." she admitted in a mischievous voice. I stood there smiling like a fool. I always had a crush on Kola, since the 9th grade. Recently though, I've really started to have actual feelings for her.

After walking for a little longer, we went by the lake, not too far from her house. We talked about what caused the fight and a few other things revolving around Keo and the rest of the group. I could tell she was more upset with Keo. I didn't say anything else about him, to avoid making it worse.

"Promise not to lie to me anymore." Kola demanded out of nowhere. "I've never lied to you." I stated. "Okay, well you kept secrets about my brother, and the only reason why you're not on my ex friends list is because it was bro code." she explained with air quotations. "Okay then, I promise." I did the old fashioned pinky swear.

"I have to tell you something." Kola said. I looked at her, giving her my attention. "I like you. More than a friend." Kola admitted while making a face, as if she was shocked at herself. "What?" my eyes widened. "I like you, more than a friend." she repeated. "You're lying." I shook my head. "I'm not." Kola argued with a serious face.

"Really? Is that why I'm not on your 'ex friends' list?" I nervously chuckled. "No. If you gave me a reason to, I would stop being your friend." she emphasized. " you wouldn't." I teased. "Wanna bet?" she questioned. "No. I want you though." I boldly admitted. "You want me?" she calmly asked.

"Yea. I like you too, m-more than a friend" I expressed, never breaking eye contact. Kola leaned in and pressed her lips against mines. I happily kissed her back. After a moment I felt something else starting to get happy, so I slowly pulled away from the kiss.

"That was nice." she whispered, her forehead against mines. "Yea, it was." I whispered back.

The both of us continued talking for a little while. i had the most honest conversation with Kola and it felt good. We continued shyly watching each other while staring at the beautiful sunset and water. No other words were needed. I just wanted to stay in this moment forever.

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