Chapter 48: Will Be

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WARNING: Sexual language in this chapter (kinda detailed)

Carlos's POV

"It's now or never." Halia said. "Go ahead Kola, answer the question. You've come this far" Alonzo sourly spoke. I stared at Kola, waiting for an answer. "Alonzo I- don't make me do this." Kola sighed. "I'm not making you do anything. But I need to know as well, before I marry someone who's heart isn't fully for me." Alonzo stated.

"Fine. Alonzo, I love you but I-I still love...Carlos too." Kola finally admitted. "So you couldn't have been told me? Before I proposed to you? I look like a fool!" Alonzo shouted. "Don't raise your voice at my sister!" Keo shouted at Alonzo. "This has nothing to do with you, so stay in your place." Alonzo turned to face Keo. "What?" Keo quickly grabbed Alonzo by his shirt.

"Keo stop it, let go!" Halia slightly shouted. Keo kept his grip on Alonzo and gave him a dark stare. Halia grabbed one of Keo's arms. "Keo, Angel is here...stop it." Halia softly expressed. Keo's aggression soon turned soft as he let go of Alonzo, before walking back inside. Halia followed him inside. "This is between you and me so don't bring my family or friends into it." Kola spoke.

"I didn't. Nobody told your hothead brother to jump in." Alonzo voiced. "Are you serious right now?" Kola glared at Alonzo. "You're not in a position to ask me that." Alonzo responded. Neither one of them was. "You know what Alonzo, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to intentionally hurt you, but I think it's best for you to leave now." Kola expressed.

"Fine, I will." Alonzo pushed past me to leave. "Alonzo." Kola called. Alonzo huffed before turning around. "Here." Kola took of her engagement ring and threw it to him. "Girl why would you do that? That looked kind of expensive." Rose whispered. "Rose, not now." Kola sighed. I couldn't help notice how overwhelmed Kola had now looked.

"I hope you're happy. You finally got what you wanted." Kola said to me. "Don't say it like that. It wasn't just my fault, and you know you wanted it to happen. Stop playing victim all the time and grow up." I uncontrollably spoke.

"Who's acting like a victim?" she asked, as if she was offended. "You." I responded. "Well since I'm acting like such a victim, you can leave too and don't talk to me ever again because I'm mad at you!" she shouted before slamming the door in my face.

She's so fucking annoying...but I love her.

*Two months later*

Kola's POV

My class just ended and I was walking outside to my ride, I didn't feel like walking home today. "Kola." I heard someone yell. I stop but then quickly turned back around once I seen it was Carlos. I tried to walk faster, hoping to lose him but he caught up. "Why do you keep following me?" I rolled my eyes. "Why do you keep ignoring me?" he immediately asked.

"What part of I don't want to talk to you, don't you understand?" I questioned. "I don't know, maybe the part where you're still talking to me." he smirked. "Can you just leave me alone?" I sighed as I continued to walk. "I could but you never answer my text or calls, so I have to wait until I run into you on campus to check on you." Carlos explained.

"First, maybe that's because I blocked you on everything. Second, I don't need you checking up on me." I expressed, crossing my arms. I walked towards my ride and opened the door. I got inside but before I could close the door, Carlos got in as well. "What are you doing? You have a car." I spoke. "I know that, but I'm not done talking to you." he responded.

"Yes, you are." I said, opening the car door. "No, I'm not." he argued, closing the car door. "Carlos, you're becoming obsessed with me..." I stated. "No, I'm not...okay maybe I am. But I never got closure. What do you expect me to do?" Carlos expressed. "I don't know, not be an obsessed stalker." I glared. "Now you're making me sound like I'm crazy." he said.

"You're acting like it." I mumbled. "Ouch." he sighed. The driver finally started driving. "What do you want from me?" I asked. "You...all to myself" he answered. "Do you not hear yourself?" I questioned. "Um, I know what I'm saying but I can't necessarily hear myself." he sarcastically answered. I glared at him.

"Carlos, I don't like the way you've been acting lately. I want the old you back." I admitted. "I don't really know what you mean by that but okay?" he looked confused. "I mean when you used to be more calm, nice and cared about other's feelings." I started before pausing. "Now it seems like you're more careless and want what you want, no matter how you get it." I continued to explained.

"Oh, you mean that. I can't help it anymore Kola." he claimed. "What do you mean?" I wondered. "I act on my emotions when I'm around you. Kola I made a mistake and I want you back." he softly explained. "I-I want you back too. But not when you're acting like this." I finally admitted. "What do you want me to do?" Carlos asked. "Just be yourself, please." I answered.

"'re willing to give me another chance?" he slowly smile. "Yea." I nodded. "Then, what do you want to do?" he wondered. "Go on a date, but under one condition." I said. "What's that?" Carlos asked. "Keo and Halia have to come with us. One, because I'm still adjusting to this new you. Two, because I want you and Keo to get along this time." I explained. "Okay." Carlos nodded.

"Okay?" I repeated. "Yea, okay." he chuckled. "I'm just making sure." I laughed. "I know. Also it's funny how much a conversation can change a person's attitude." he voiced. "What do you mean?" I asked. "You wanted me to leave you alone at first, and now you want to go on a date." he explained. "And if you don't shut up, I'll change my mind again." I spoke. He looked at me with a smile of relief.

*Two days later*

I was getting ready for my date when I heard my phone ring. It was Rose calling. "Hey um, can I call you later? I'm getting ready." I explained. "Oh yea, I forgot you had a double date today. Have fun!" Rose sounded excited. "I'll try." I laughed. "Okay, well I'm going to hang up now. Enjoy your night." Rose spoke. "Okay bye, love you." I replied.

"Love you too." Rose said before hanging up. "Hey, are you ready?" Halia stood by the door. "Yea look amazing." I said, covering my mouth. "Thanks, you do too. You know, I didn't need help putting it on but I will need help taking it off...if you know what I mean." Halia smirked. "Ew, you could've kept that to yourself. That's nasty." I frowned.

"Why?" Halia laughed. "Because that's my little brother! I don't wanna think about that." I stated. "Well, I do." Halia said while raising her eyebrows. "That's so disgusting. You need some holy water." I responded. "Kola, I know you're not talking miss Oh yes Carlos, deeper." she mocked. "I don't remember saying that." I covered my ears.

"Of course you don't. That was the night y'all were drunk. And unfortunately I remember hearing it." she expressed, walking away. "Well, maybe you shouldn't!" I shouted, hoping she heard me.

My date with Carlos wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. The only problem was the amount of times he and Keo argued over petty stuff. But being around Carlos brought back so many memories and how close we used to be. I didn't realize how much I had missed him until now. And now that I know that feeling, I don't ever want to lose him again.

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