Chapter 35: Predictions

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*A week later*

Kola's POV

I was at the hospital waiting for Carlos and his parents to finish talking with the doctors, so we could head to my apartment. I'd noticed that for some strange reason, most people had trouble finding my complex. I was in one of the waiting areas, when I seen Carlos's so called physical therapist...she was physical alright.

She smiled at me while walking towards me. "Hey, you're Carlos's ex girlfriend right?" she questioned. "Maybe." I shrugged. "I know we got off on the wrong foot but, my name is Alena." she extended her arms for a handshake. "Okay?" I stared at her. "Listen, you have every right to be alarmed by me." she sighed. "I know." I crossed my arms.

"I just wanted to tell you that it's against the rules for us therapist to date our clients." she stated. "Why are you telling me that?" I questioned. "Oh come on, I seen the way you acted when you saw me with Carlos. You must think I'm attracted to him or something. To be honest I was, until I realized he had feelings for someone else." she explained. "Who?" I nearly shouted.

"You, obviously." she laughed. "Me?" I was almost confused. "Yea, you're literally all he talks about. Sometimes I would try to change the topic and he would change it right back to you. All of the nurses that have worked with Carlos would say the same thing. It's understandable, it's not always easy to forget your first love...your first intimate partner." she expressed.

"Wait what? I'm not his first intimate partner." I laughed to myself. "That's not what we were told." she teased, while walking away. For minutes, I kept telling myself that she was lying because I didn't think it could be true. "Okay, we're ready now." Carlos stood by me with his crutches. "F-For what?" I stuttered. "To go?" he questioned.

"Oh. Yea." I looked away from him. "Are you okay?" he placed his hand on my shoulder. "Yea I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" I rushed out, moving my shoulder from under his hand. "You're just acting a little weird." he noticed. "Nope. I'm completely normal and completely fine." I let out a fake laugh. He just stared at me with a concerned look.


Carlos and I were in the kitchen, drinking beverages. Carlos used his crutches for support. "How come you didn't tell me that I took your virginity?" I suddenly asked. Carlos started choking on his drink. "What?" he coughed. "Alena told me that you lost your virginity to me." I explained. "I-I didn't think it was that big of a deal." Carlos spoke.

"So, it's true?" I questioned. "Y-Yea" he hesitantly answered. "So how did you not think it was a big deal?" I crossed my arms. "Well guys just don't go around telling everybody they're virgins." he expressed. "Well, I'm not everybody. I'm your...I mean was your girlfriend." I stated. "I know but..." he started.

"And you had the nerve to yell at me for talking to my best friends, when you were practically talking to strangers." I interrupted him. "They weren't necessarily strangers and I didn't tell them everything. Some things just slipped out." Carlos explained. "It just, slipped out?" I repeated as a question. "Yea, it did." he nodded.

"Okay...anyways, I'm going to my room. You can sleep on the couch. Oh, and before you say anything about the extra room, it's a guest room until Halia moves in." I smiled.

"So, what am I then?" Carlos smirked. "I don't know. You're not my guest so..." I shrugged. "Damn that kinda hurts." he sighed. "Good. Have fun, good night." I walked towards my room. "It's not even night yet." Carlos voiced. "It is in my head." I laughed to myself. I closed my room door and fell onto my bed.

*A few days later*

Carlos's POV

"Carlos! Carlos, open the fucking door! I have to pee!" Kola yelled, while banging on the bathroom door. "So do I." I laughed. "It's not funny. I have to go really bad." she whined. "Well, nobody told you to hold it." I spoke. "I'm holding it because of you, genius." Kola scoffed. "Oh...yea." I smiled to myself. I then decided to let Kola go first.

"You're going to make me late for work! If you don't open this door I'll-" Kola went quiet when I opened the door. "You'll what?" I asked, standing over her. Kola just stood there, quiet. "Huh? You were doing all of that talking behind the door. What happened?" I asked in a whisper. Again, she was quiet. Kola crossed her arms. I kissed Kola's cheek before moving out the doorway. Kola stood there, frozen.

"Don't you have to use the bathroom?" I smirked. "Y-Yea." Kola finally spoke, quickly going into the bathroom and shutting the door. I went into the kitchen, waiting for Kola. Kola walked into the kitchen in a rush. "Where are your crutches?" she questioned. "In the living room." I answered. "Uh, why?" Kola walked into the living room to get them.

"Because they are." I shrugged. Kola came back with my crutches in her hands. "You have to use these, you're leg is not fully healed." she explained, placing them under my arms. "But I don't want to." I sighed. "You have to or you could make your injury worse." she stated. "Fine." I smiled at her concern. "I have to go to work. Halia might come by to drop some of her stuff off." Kola voiced.

"So, don't let her in? Got it." I smiled. "Carlos stop. Let her in, she doesn't have a key yet." Kola explained to me. "And whose fault is that?" I looked around. Kola sighed and rolled her eyes at me. "My key is at the bottom of my bag. Can you lock the door once I leave?" she asked. "No." I answered while walking towards the door. "Goodbye." Kola walked out the door.

"Can I have a kiss?" I smirked. "Uh no? I'm confused as to why you kissed me on my cheek earlier." she turned around to face me. "You didn't stop me." I whispered. "I couldn't. You did it too fast." Kola mocked my tone. "Or, you just liked it." I suggested. Kola walked away with her middle finger up. I laughed to myself before closing the door. I went to the living room and laid down, quickly falling asleep.


I was awakened by a loud knock at the door. I got up and went to open the door. "Damn boy, I knocked like 50 times." Halia spoke loudly. "I'm sure you didn't." I yawned, rubbing my eyes. "I'm sure I did. Where's Kola?" she asked, while walking inside. "She should be on her way back from work." I answered. "Oh...that's cute." she spoke.

"What's cute?" I questioned. "You know what time she should be home by. That's how y'all are going to be in the future, I'm calling it." she explained, eating a piece of candy. "Calling what?" I asked. "You, Kola, Future, Married, Children, Family." she cheered. "I don't know about all of that." I nervously laughed. "I do, you both are alike and in denial. So am I." she sighed.

"Ignore that part...anyways, I've predicted Keo and Rose messing around, Rose being pregnant and I was right." she explained. "Technically there were signs for both of those situations." I responded. "And I see the signs for you and Kola. So like I said, you guys are gonna get married and have little baby Carlos' and Kolas." Halia insisted, as if she was sure.

The both of us heard the door open and close. "Hey." Kola greeted both of us. "Hi." Halia and I spoke. "What are you guys doing?" Kola sat her bag down. Both Halia and I responded with two different answers. "Okay? Anyways, Halia do you need help bringing your stuff in?" Kola asked. "Sure." Halia smiled. Halia waved at me in a teasing way, before they left.

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