Chapter 13: A Pregnancy Test

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*The Day of Halia's Party*

Halia's Party

Finally my birthday was here and I was excited. The group was back together, I was finally 17 and I could make it official with Zyaire. Although Zyaire had been practically ghosting me these last few weeks. He said he'd be at my party though so I wasn't too worried. Hopefully most of the people I invited would show.

After the party, the group and I had planned to go over Blue's house and spend the night. Blue's parents won't going to be there.

Once my makeup was done and I pick up my dress, I planned to head over to the party. I was going to make an entrance. I was currently getting my hair curled. I picked out a short, satin, red dress. It fitted perfectly on my body.

Once I was finally done getting ready, I was on my way to the party location. I could already tell there were a lot of people in there. Yay! When I walked in I felt like a million bucks. Everyone was clapping, cheering and taking pictures of me. I was having a good time but it would've been better if Zyaire showed.

*Earlier that day*

Carlos POV

Once I was done getting ready for Halia's party, I headed over to get Kola and Keo. We decided to go together. Hopefully the drive there wouldn't be awkward after what happened last night. Not to mention the fight between Keo and I. When I arrived at Kola and Keo's house I knocked on the door.  Their mom answered the door within seconds.

"Carlos! I haven't seen you in forever. You're getting so tall. How are you?" she happily greeted me. "I'm good. How are you?" I walked in, as gestured to. "I'm doing good myself. You're staying out of trouble right?" she asked. "Yes ma'am." I nodded. "And make sure you say no to drugs, girls and sex okay sweetie?" she continued, walking towards the kitchen.

"Uh...yea." I nervously chuckled. If only she knew what Kola was actually doing last night... "Oh and sorry about Keo, he's just hasn't been himself lately." she sighed. "No need to apologize. Guys bump heads all the time, it's fine." I responded. "Oh. Carlos. What are you doing inside?" Kola awkwardly walked down the stairs.

"Kola stop, he can be inside the house." her mother interfered. "Hi to you too." I sarcastically said to Kola. "Hi." Kola glared at me. Keo came walking down the steps soon after. "Keo, I want you to behave yourself at this party." their mother spoke. "Mhm." Keo responded in a nonchalant manner, as if he was disregarding what she said.

"Kola, you know your mom told me I should say no to drugs, girls and sex." I smiled. "Mom." Kola sighed, embarrassed. "What? It's true, you guys are too young for that stuff." her mother explained. "Yea, I agree. How about you Kola?" I asked, just to annoy her. Kola immediately elbowed me. "Ouch." I whispered.

"Yea...that's nasty." Keo complained while walking out the door. Kola and I followed him after saying bye to their mother. "What's nasty?" Kola questioned while locking the door. "You two." Keo pointed at us. "What do you mean?" Kola laughed. "Kola, stop acting dumb. Everyone knows y'all have a little thing going on." Keo voiced.

"Well-" Kola started Keo cut her off. "And you both are almost 18 so I can't do anything about that. But, if you hurt her or get her pregnant, there will be a part two of what happened in school." Keo threatened, looking me in the eyes. "That's nice, but from what I remember, you didn't do much damage." I chuckled.

"We can do it again if you need to refresh your memory." Keo opened his arms. "My memory is fine it's yours-" I tried to say but Kola covered my mouth. "Both of y'all sound real immature right now, so shut up! Thank you." she spoke before walking off. Keo and I were both quiet on the way to Halia's party.

Keo's POV

The party was pretty big and cool I guess. It would've been better if Halia didn't whine the whole time about some guy who didn't show. We were on our way back to Blue's house. "Guys I'm serious, he was supposed to be there." Halia kept trying to convince us. "Whatever you need to tell yourself." Blue's comment made the rest of us laugh.

When we arrived the girls rushed to get the best possible spots to sit. "Bitch move! I was here first!" Halia pushed Rose. "Fuck you!" Rose laughed. "Guys let's play truth or dare." Blue suggested with an evil smile. "I want to go first." Rose cheered. "We know what happened last time you went first." Kola mumbled. Anyways." Rose rolled her eyes. "Truth or dare?" Rose asked.

" wait, truth" Blue answered.

"Is it true that you have a crush on someone?" Rose smirked as if she knew something. "Maybe." Blue smiled. "Truth or dare?" Blue asked Kola. "Truth I guess." Kola shrugged. "Is it true that you and Carlos are more than friends?" Blue pointed at the two. "Yea." Kola nervously answered. "Ouu." Rose and Halia teased.

The longer we played, the more intense the game became. Blue was dared to call her crush and confess. "Put them on speaker." Halia whispered. Seconds later we heard a phone ring. Rose answered her phone up. "Oh?" Carlos said with a confused look. "Pause...what?" I questioned.

"Wait! Did I miss a chapter or something?" Halia stood up. "Uh, well...I'm lesbian." Blue nervously admitted. "Yea, we already knew about you but Rose?!" Halia covered her mouth. "Well damn." Blue laughed to herself. "I'm pansexual." Rose expressed while smiling. "How interesting." I responded.

"So y'all actually like each other? Or are y'all just messing around?" Kola asked. "I don't know." Rose giggled while looking at Blue. "I'll be right back." I stood up. "Where are you going?" Kola asked me. "To the bathroom?" I responded. She rolled her eyes.

Once I was done using it, I washed my hands. As I was getting ready to throw the paper towel away, I saw something in the trash. It was a pregnancy test that was partly covered with tissue. I walked back to the others.

"Uh, so who thinks they're pregnant?" I questioned, hoping it wasn't my sister. They all stopped talking and stared at me. "Kola?" I asked. "What? No! What are you talking about?" she nervously spoke.

"There's a pregnancy test in the bathroom trash. I couldn't tell if it was positive or negative." I explained. "Well, it's not mines." Kola firmly said. "It's not mines either." Halia voiced. "Don't even look at me. I don't even like dick." Blue added. "Well whose is it?" I asked again. "Rose? Is it yours?" Halia looked over at Rose, who was quiet.

To be continued...

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