Chapter 28: I Still Care

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Kola's POV

I was on my break at work, talking to my mother on the phone. "Why do you want to get an apartment? I thought you wanted to live on campus." my mother expressed. "I did but, I also want my own freedom." I explained. "No, you just want to have boys over." she almost teased. "Uh, no I don't." I chuckled. "Whatever you say." she sighed.

"I still have two more months until classes start." I voiced. "I know and you're leaving me." I could sense the frown on my mother's face. "Mom, I'll only be an hour away." I emphasized. "That's too far. You're still my little child." she whined. "Mom I'm 18 years old, I am not a little child." I sighed. "Well, you're still my little girl." she expressed. "I know." I smiled.

"I'll call you back after my shift." I told my mother. "Okay, I love you and be safe." she spoke. "I love you too mom." I responded before hanging up. As soon as I hung up Mrs. Ruiz called me. "Hi." I answered. "Kola, guess what?" Mrs. Ruiz seemed excited. "What?" I asked, returning her excitement.

"Carlos finally opened his eyes today!" she cheered. "Really? That's amazing!" I jumped up from my seat. "It is. Are you going to come by?" she questioned. "Uh, sure. After I get off of work." I explained. "Great, see you then." Mrs. Ruiz spoke. "See you." I smiled to myself. After I got off the phone with her, I finished eating before my lunch break was over.


I was on my way to the hospital that Carlos was currently in. After the way Carlos acted yesterday, I was questioning if I should make it known when I arrived or just be there to get updates on him. Although we were no longer together, I still cared about him very much. We had been friends since 9th grade, how could I not care about him...

I walked into the hospital and walked over to the front desk. I couldn't remember his room number. I don't even like hospitals. While standing in front of his room, I prepared myself before going in. I slowly opened the door. Mr. and Mrs. Ruiz were sitting down next to Carlos while he slept. "Hi Kola, how have you been?" Mr. Ruiz asked, standing up. "Okay. You?" I responded.

"Good, just praying for Carlos's recovery." he expressed. "Yea, me too." I agreed. "Hi dear." Mrs. Ruiz pulled me into a hug. "Hi." I hugged her back. It went silent for a few seconds. "How is he?" I broke the silence. "I'm hoping better then yesterday. He hasn't really talked much today. He's been asleep ever since he opened his eyes for a few minutes earlier this morning." Mrs. Ruiz explained.

"Have the doctors said anything about him today?" I wondered. "They have him taking numbing medication and were thinking about relocating his shoulder tomorrow." she answered. "Shouldn't they have been done that?" I asked. "Probably, I don't know but they're getting on my nerves. Acting like they can't do their job or know what's going on with my son." she rambled.

Mrs. Ruiz was the more protective parent while Mr. Ruiz was more laid back. You could tell that he really cared for his son but he'd also let Carlos make his own decisions, as long as he knows the consequences. I really liked Carlos parents, they're very sweet and thoughtful but didn't take any nonsense either.

After Carlos and I broke up, I told myself I wasn't going to care so much about him anymore. I lied. All day all I do is think of him, but he didn't need to know that. "Mom?" Carlos quietly called. His mom rushed over to him. "Yes." she responded. "I can't feel any-anything." he stuttered in a whisper. "Oh honey it's okay, they have you on numbing medication." Mrs. Ruiz explained. "I don't like it." Carlos mumbled, his eyes closing slowly.

I started to hear the machine that monitors his heart rate steadily start beeping faster. "Well, it's so you don't feel any pain." his mother continued. "I don't want it. They're g-giving me too many medications." he voiced, his words fading away at the end. "Wait, what do you mean?" I asked. I don't think Carlos processed my questions due to him going in and out of sleep.

"Dad?" Carlos mumbled. "Yes son?" Mr. Ruiz answered. "Where are we?" Carlos slowly looked around. "In the hospital son." Mr. Ruiz moved closer. Carlos asked where he was again, seconds later. "You're still in the hospital." his father and I looked at each other with the same worried look. "It smells...funny." Carlos expressed. "Carlos, are you okay?" I questioned.

The machine monitoring his heart rate began beeping fast. I panicked and yelled for a doctor. A few doctors and nurses raced towards the room. "Help please!" I heard Mrs. Ruiz yell from behind me. I turned around to see Carlos shaking uncontrollably. The doctors and nurses rushed in and told us to leave the room. "But that's my son." Mrs. Ruiz cried.

"I'm sorry you have to step out!" the doctors pushed us out of the room. "What's happening?" I asked, trying to push my way back in the room. "We need you to leave the room ma'am." they spoke. We finally stopped rebelling and waited outside the door. Mrs. Ruiz cried in Mr. Ruiz arms as he rubbed her back. I leaned against the wall, tapping my fingers together repeatedly, something I'd do when I was worried or nervous.

Moments later a doctor finally approached us. "What happened? Is he okay?" Mr. and Mrs. Ruiz immediately asked. "He's okay now. Carlos suffered from a seizure..." the doctor explained as Mrs. Ruiz covered her mouth, trying not to cry. "We're not sure of the cause yet but, it may have been the trauma to his head from the accident..." she continued.

"Or all of the medication you're giving him." I crossed my arms. "Excuse me?" she chuckled, confused. "What type of medications are y'all giving him?" I glared at her. "I'm sorry, what?" she asked, as if she was shocked by my question. "You heard me. He said that y'all were giving him too many medications. Could that have triggered the seizure?" I inquired.

"We'll look into it" she forced a smile on her face. She then turned around, walking back inside the room.

"Are you sure he said that?" Mrs. Ruiz asked. "Yes, I'm positive." I told her. "I don't want him here anymore. I want to transfer him to a different hospital." she sighed. "We can do some research and find one." Mr. Ruiz spoke. I didn't blame them. All of the doctors here acted as if they're never sure about anything. It was starting to make me mad.

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